The Crapto Thread

Oh yeah just to clarify - in this metaphor the hooker’s kids aren’t at the Days Inn with us. I’m just having great conversation with the hooker and learning about her life.


20% in fucking Shiba Inu?? Oh god.


I wonder if 20% other has Riverman Coin included? It is probably more legit than whatever else is in that.


Probably. Which just goes to show that no one has any idea what they are doing. I’m sure the public bought during a pump so they wouldn’t FOMO and now it’s just dormant.

And you know, at some point if the world never decides that we are wrong about this in like a coordinated way, right? Like you’re kind of the guy calling and saying, no, this thing’s actually worthless, but in what sense are you right?

This is EXACTLY the shit said during the dotcom bubble (“Someday we can all IPO ourselves!”) and the financial crisis (“We’ve eliminated risk!”)

wasn’t this forum going to have some kind of NFT draft? did that happen?

I keep trying to buy a Riverman DAO, but the exchanges I put my money on always go belly up.

Sad! Some people are even saying they’re worth trillions now. You’re going to feel like the biggest idiot ever if you miss this draft.

It’s going to happen. I’m still making the assets, which turned out to be way more time intensive than expected. I also got temp-banned from one of the AI services which slowed down progress, but I’m back to full strength now.


Can I use PayPal?

If you just make an account I can transfer you one for free. I have extras.

The FTX stuff is pretty wild but also inevitable in an environment like we have had in the last 2-3 years imo. And what I mean by that is there was a ton of irrational stuff happening in a space with a bunch of bad actors. Over the last 10 months or so as we have seen prices plummet the irrational things and bad actors all get the curtain pulled back and exposed which causes the next domino to fall and so on.

I think crypto/nfts are kind of dumb but I don’t think this is remotely the end of crypto. It may be the equivalent of black friday for the industry though. In the poker industry what came out on the other side was arguably better for black friday happening than if it hadn’t. I could see the same thing happening here. The bad actors get flushed out/locked up, regulations get passed and the industry gets cleaned up to some extent. 99.9% of NFTs and shitcoins end up worthless and you end up with BTC/ETH and maybe a handful of others and a few blue chip NFTs end up mattering longer term.

I’ll miss gambling 4 and 5 figures on random animal jpegs and the like. In fact that is the part I will miss the most. It was fun. It still may be fun again one day. But most likely it will be like the poker boom and then the decades after. Things will never get as crazy as they were in the 2021 era again. I can never recreate the fun of 2004 Party Poker and I doubt anything in NFT land will ever rival summer/fall 2021.


I missed a lot of the fun you guys had but I’ll never forget TopShot Mania. Still hodling my Ish Smiths.


Topshot was a lot of fun. I would love to go back to the early days of that.

once i heard of loans being backed/guaranteed by crypto or stablecoin or whatever was around the time I advised casual friends with a lot of money on various exchanges to not have anything on there that’d freak em out if they went to zero

this is far beyond anything i could have possibly imagined somehow, i cant stop, like that ponzi video didnt set off alarms in the industry? i am so confused

Ok, but there is an actual use case for online poker.

itysl tables


Just popping in here with a question I hope someone can answer for me since I know ~0 about crypto.

Can someone ELI5 how and why SBF went busto? Also, is he actually personally busto?