The Crapto Thread

It’s like when we discovered that the full tilt deposits were being spent backing Mike matusow.

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And David Benjamine was getting $500k/year.

Seriously. Why is there a single deposit still sitting on FTX US?

Poker pros had some money on AP and UB but that was because the fish were there. No one as remotely shocked when they collapsed.

You can get a lot more than 8% if you stake alts. Also, as I said a few days ago, wallets are beyond most peoples’ skill level. They are also arguably more risky for many people. Random Doge HODLer is far more likely to lose his keys than Coinbase is to fail.

Also, leveraged day trading.

Yes, the exchanges are risky. Everything in crypto is risky. Everybody knows this. It’s all dodgy AF and this is not news to anybody.

All that risk can also can be very lucrative.

The crypto thread from a year ago would like a word with you.

The crypto thread from a year ago was also fully aware of how risky everything was. The crypto thread from a year ago contained a lot of skepticism from people who were holding crypto. The crypto thread from last winter was talking about the NFT bubble being over according to the people who made a bunch of money trading NFT’s.

The crypto people who post (or used to post) here are not the 2 dimensional crypto bro’s you keep imagining, nor do they all think the same things.


So what will be the moment that everyone looks back on as the pivot point? I think it was the IPO in the dotcom days. I guess the financial crisis was Meredith Whitney’s call on Citibank.



Yeah that’s probably it

First tweet part of a thread from 2021

Finally a response



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I think it came out she was Sam’s girlfriend, so there’s that.

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More like Sam Bankrupt-Fraud, am i right?


Most entertaining week in financial business news since the heights of the WallStreet Bets Gamestop thing.

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And red erectile dysfunction wave, and Twitter meltdown. IT’S TOO MUCH

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This week literally forced me to have to pull an all nighter last night.