The Crapto Thread

Holy shit

Just remember - the next time things are different - Riverman and I will be drooling on ourselves, and it will be up to the rest of you to be the grumpy old farts who just don’t get it.

the great joseph stalin would never allow hateful posts such as this in a public forum

Gentlemen, this is the crapto thread, you can’t fling poo here.


I mean, it’s probably a buy atm for like a week or so due to capitulation fears which won’t actually happen because of all those expected to pile back in if it goes green for 10% tomorrow. This disaster can run for another year bankrupting folks on an asset that has gained 10x since they started trading it before there is any reason to pull the rug.

Sure that’s a lot of money, or whatever, but how do you recover from losing your “emperor aura”? This is a term cryptobros used?

download (22)


i think it’s referring to the economist and bloomberg writers calling him the next jp morgan

it’s not like a crypto jargon i’m aware of

Would kind of make sense if you’re like, “Hola, I’m Emperor Oro” and the bros whoop and cheer

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There will be continued negative downward pressure when counter parties that lent money to FTX / Alameda are also cleaned out.

Does anyone have any idea ATM what the $ that Alemeda got from FTX user deposits went to?


Lots of this from the “you don’t understand you stupid plebe have fun being poor” crowd.

Note their whole stupid worldview is “fraud won’t happen because a truly free market won’t allow it” fuck all the way off.

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if bitcoin was so obviously a scam or fake or at least definitely going down, shouldn’t you two have shorted it? seems like you should have had at least a couple opportunities to do so over the last decade+

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Yeah can you show me where I bet on “bitcoin will crash eventually but also might 100x in the meantime” w/o risking a margin call?

Holy shit really?

i cannot.