The Crapto Thread

RIP to my grandpa, who took the last 10k to his name, put it all in bitcoin, and rode the wave perfectly and bailed at exactly the right time. Went from being heavily in credit card debt to leaving my dad a little something. A true crypto bro


How come my craptos didn’t surge with the stonk market today?

Market up 1.35, bitcoin up 1.20, seems to track pretty well.

BTC is usually more like S&P 500 up 1 percent, BTC up 10%. S&P 500 down 1 percent, BTC down 20%. S&P is up almost 2% today and BTC was barely up last I saw. Looks like it spiked a little since, but basically nothing.

If there is one thing I have learned about markets, it’s that if they don’t go up they’ll go down. Use this secret knowledge wisely.

Non correlated asset, inflation hedge, etc.

BTC appears to be at near multi-year lows

Shit, maybe BTC lows have been tied to temperature highs all along

the dev’s got safari flaps on his hat AND dice in his pocket. and you’re selling???


I think his gf has her jeans on backward.


GME announcing its partnering with FTX and them being pretty aggro with wanting to do gift cards could be pretty damn successful/influential at least, with their stock price and NFTs and shit coins. I wouldn’t sell anything meme/nft related right now and if you’re that die hard holder, buying a shitload doesn’t sound too bad, imo - for a short while, I guess.



Up 10%!


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Re: poor people as NPCs

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People susceptible to ponzi schemes are the biggest consumers of crypto? I am shocked, shocked I tel you!