The Crapto Thread

Judges in federal sentencing don’t have much discretion. The federal sentencing guidelines proscribe formulas to determine the appropriate sentencing range (this looks at various factors in addition to the crime, like pecuniary loss, cooperation, prior crimes, etc.). Technically, the range is only advisory, but its super rare that judges go outside the range.

This summary seems fairly accurate on a quick read:


His parents were in on it! His Dad was the one who recommended the guy who worked at Ultimate Bet during the God Mode scandal to be legal counsel for FTX and was emailing the guy to ask questions about Bahamian real estate.


I’ll be surprised if he gets over 30

You can bet on his sentence - the over/under is 80.5 years, feels like the under is close to free money.

The dad was also caught googling like “non-extradition offshore bank accounts” in the months before the fall


I generally don’t like holding search histories against people, but, yeah, that’s not a good look.


With a name like Safe Moon anyone who gave them more than side eye deserves whatever befell them

I don’t know if it is a good comparison, because it was a state charge and Sam’s is federal, but a dude I went to high school with, who later became a construction company owner/real estate investor, screwed several people out of a total of less than half a million and got over 20 years. They threw the book at him. But it was in FL, and FL is pretty hard on contractors who break the law given the history of all that, and again it’s state so yeah.

One day in high school one of our history (I think) teachers just didn’t show up. Apparently he cleaned out the safe of the restaurant he owned with two other teachers, left his wife and kids, and took off to Brazil or something.

I’ve always wondered what happened to that guy.

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Apparently the BAYC people used some UV lights that may have blinded some people at their event in Hong Kong, but it was probably less than 1% of the people in attendance.


KC Royals taking strays.


Why Gemini sending me emails about BTC being up 30% this month when I don’t own any BTC? It would have been more useful for them to tell me that a month ago

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The Kansas City Royals: The FTX of Baseball Teams

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I feel like the Crypto Space is now just whats leftover after a series of double or nothings amongst gamblers. Like we’ve all been in that spot where yhe numbers people toss out stop carrying the expectation that the stated amount will actually change hands, so all of a sudden you’re flipping coins for $10k per flip when it started at $20. But its enough of a self-contained ecosystem that it doesn’t really mean anything to anyone outside the system.

so its kind of like a high stakes game where the pros all have each others action and they just keep passing the money back and forth between each other until someone who is not “in on it” shows up and then they all proceed to collude and split up the whales money. so its like i know this fake rock is not actually worth 200k and you know this fake rock is not actually worth 200k but if we keep passing it back and forth between each other at higher and higher prices we might be able to entice some sucker who is not “in on it” who actually thinks it is worth 200k to come bail us out




Didn’t want to shit post this in the other thread.