The Crapto Thread

Try opening it in an incognito browser (or other browser). I suspect Bloomberg’s article limit is forwarding you to the blurred out column.

Alternatively, I found this which is up to date:

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Make sure you’re subscribed directly to Levine’s newsletter and not some Bloomberg aggregate thing.

Amazing coincidence how the lawyer for ultimate bet found himself working for yet another company with a god mode exploit in its software.


If you do it right, you should get the article in the email. I think that means signing up not through Bloomberg.

Riverbot didn’t get any engagement with his news sharing along with his cartoon nic cage image macro; plz don’t let it feel left out.

{editor’s note: changed “him” to “it”}

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What if one has the magical power of gleaning information themselves and doesn’t need it explained to them?

A: I guess post the columns anyhow, he’s very entertaining and funny on top.

I’m subscribed to Levine’s newsletter without paying for Bloomberg

Hmm, that particular sign-up method may actually work. :crossed_fingers:

I prefer method of waiting for the Levine choice bits to be posted here. But unfortunately goofy left so that’s a lot less frequent now.

Seems like a target for a private nuisance claim.

the link worked for me thank you @spidercrab

new ftx ceo is talking about relaunching the exchange . lol.

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Yes, this method worked. I think the issue was that I signed up via a more general bloomberg email signup and selected Levine from that. Using that method I get an email when his column posts but I need to be a subscriber to read it. Using your method I receive an email with the column.

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Turns out he had slightly more than $100,000

Bank of Spain and some Finnish bank planning to launch Euro stablecoins also.

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Don’t have bloomberg access to read the whole thing. Is there any sort of central bank or govt guarantee around the price of the stable coins or is it set up like UST / LUNA? Cause the first feels like a thing that could go very badly and he second feels like a thing that will succeed temporarily, but the stability of the stable coin will eventually falter like it has for all the others on that model.

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From another article:

“The AUDN will be backed one-to-one with Australian dollars held at the bank and will launch on Ethereum”

The issue with Luna is that it wasn’t really backed by anything other than people’s faith. So long as there are actual assets backing the stable-coin 1:1 it should be safe.