The Crapto Thread

The funniest part is that the last few days/week have been the most troubling and alarming in terms of the brypto price action probably since Dec03 2021 (The Devil’s Wick), but there wasn’t any news “Oh noez the Prezident Of Bitcornz is impeached for Doing Crimes” headline so the anticryptobrobots don’t know how to proceed.

Will bitcoin reach a new ATH in 2023

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Will NASDAQ Composite index reach a new ATH in 2023

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

BTC would have to >400%, NASDAQ >50%. Looks like that has happened for BTC at least 3 times since 2009 (2011: 1473, 2013: 5507, 2017: 1331; 2009, 2010 likely but it wasn’t on this blog post). >50% has also happened 3 times for NASDAQ but that’s since 1972 (1991: 56.86, 1999: 85.59, 2003: 50.01).

If we are using real rather than nominal then 2033 a more interesting question IMO.

I want some of whatever the Yes to NASDAQ voters are smoking.

I’ll admit it’s very unlikely, but I think the S&P / Dow will

The case for an all time high is a relatively shallow recession and then the free money spigots open. I dont think the free money spigot is going to open in 2023 and think that we are going to get at least a moderate recession, so I think at least one more year of the pain train.

The next halving is March 24, next ATH about a year later.


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Mining BTC is interesting.

Feels like we should just move all this SBF stuff to its own thread

ProPublica to return SBF funds

1.6 mil

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That was fast.

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LOL he’s legit fucked


Serious popcorn.gif for this trial and especially their snitching on him on the stand

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Cross-posted from discord:


I suspect he pleads guilty assuming it gives him any chance to ever get out of jail. He seems like a lock to die in prison if this goes to trial. The case is so airtight that prosecutors might not even offer anything for a deal though.

Her old Tumblr existed under the name “WorldOptimisation”. Gawker revealed this for an article in which they also noted she was heavily into fan fiction. Several folks on Twitter pointed out that the phrase “World Optimisation” has its origin in another piece of fan-fiction, an epic re-write of the first Harry Potter book called Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

If you are a normal, decent, well-socialized human being, you probably have not heard about Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Actually explaining what this thing is will have to happen in several different stages. But I should start by telling you this re-write of the first Harry Potter book is around 660,000 words long.

The entire Lord of the Rings series, including The Hobbit, comes in at a little less than 580,000 words.

Oh my fucking god.


This will be pretty embarrassing to admit but I have actually read a decent amount of that specific fanfiction. At the time of recommendation it was only about 5-10% of the way done, so I read it and then read how it ended a few years later when it was finally finished and someone else reminded me of it. I think it came out originally in 2011 or something and was finished about 5 years later.

Had it recommended to me by another poker player after we had a discussion about how dumbass protagonists and antagonists can allow bad writers to write flawed stories, which I didn’t think was a good thing.

Premise is pretty similar to Ender’s Game and to lesser extent Artemis Fowl in regards to child genius (both books I enjoyed as a pre-teen). The actual writing beyond the initial premise was fairly bad aside from pointing out flaws in the original H.P.

To add, it’s the only fanfiction I have ever made an effort to read. So I don’t qualify as a world optimiser or what have you.