The Crapto Thread

Yeah I wasn’t trying to get jazzy, I’m just saying that some people’s entertainment here is talking with people, which can naturally swerve into talking shit with people and back again. Other people just want a news feed. This thread is an odd mashup of the two, because Rivermang is addicted to sharing the news but also is… Adverse to actually discussing things to the point it becomes a form of talking shit, and this thread was made for him to do so.

So basically what I’m saying is this thread is a weird one.

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What’s a tubeworm

Your penis

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This comment isn’t meant just for you, but we’d all be better off if people didn’t feel the need to defend themselves every time someone makes a dumb comment attacking them. Let petty comments die.


This Justice Dept press release is an interesting read if you didn’t know anything about OneCoin (I didn’t)

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that KARL SEBASTIAN GREENWOOD, who co-founded OneCoin with RUJA IGNATOVA, a/k/a “the Cryptoqueen,” pled guilty today in Manhattan federal court to wire fraud and money laundering charges in connection with his participation in the massive OneCoin fraud scheme. OneCoin, which began operations in 2014 and was based in Sofia, Bulgaria, marketed and sold a fraudulent cryptocurrency by the same name through a global multi-level-marketing (“MLM”) network. As a result of misrepresentations that GREENWOOD, IGNATOVA, and others made about OneCoin, victims invested over four billion dollars worldwide in the fraudulent cryptocurrency. Today, District Judge Edgardo Ramos accepted GREENWOOD’s guilty plea. IGNATOVA, who was added to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Top Ten Most Wanted List in June 2022, remains at large.

Cryptoqueen at large!

OneCoin falsely claimed that the value of OneCoin was based on market supply and demand, when in fact, the value of the cryptocurrency was simply set by OneCoin itself.

Fake valuation,

GREENWOOD and other OneCoin leaders also claimed that the OneCoin cryptocurrency was “mined” using mining servers maintained and operated by the company. In fact, OneCoins were never mined using computer resources. For example, in an email to IGNATOVA dated August 11, 2014, GREENWOOD proposed, “Get members to think that they are mining their OneCoin via crunching (exchanging) tokens for OneCoin. This storey [sic] is good as ppl will then not go super crazy and just try and sell tokens all the time.”

fake mining,

GREENWOOD and other OneCoin leaders further claimed that OneCoin maintained a private “blockchain,” or a digital ledger identifying OneCoins and recording historical transactions. But OneCoin lacked a true blockchain, that is, a public and verifiable blockchain. Indeed, by approximately March 2015, IGNATOVA and GREENWOOD had started allocating to OneCoin members coins that did not even exist in OneCoin’s purported private blockchain, referring to those coins as “fake coins.”

fake blockchain, and on. OneCoin had it all.


what about a smart comment constructively criticizing them?

on that note

did your google and twitter break?


Nah, I’m probably in the wrong. The one place in the universe I can see WichitaDM style on noted debate champions Suzzer and Rivermang shouldn’t take precedent over the almost uncountable places Zimmer can find {checks notes} news.

the arguing is part of the draw… until it isn’t.

i also like to watch videos of people fighting. i dunno, always have :man_shrugging:t3: but there’s a line, usually head stomps or 2-3 solid shots after someone is clearly already out, where i get annoyed/mad at the person.

same sorta thing here.

…by people who are known for complaining bitterly about, you guessed it

hundreds of posts of pointless insults

Your entire existence on this forum is complaining about your treatment. You do basically nothing else.

False, as usual.


Looks like those horror stories about Bahamian jails might have some merit.

If NY gets a hold of him, they will throw him in the MCC, another hell hole. This was Epstein’s cell. Imagine spending 30 years here.

bruh could you try to have just a little self-respect, as a treat

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the bank man getting epsteined