The Crapto Thread

ignore that chart above

Then why does always get angry when Riverman or Suzzer calls it a ponzi in a crapto thread.

Heā€™s just in it for the money right?

So you have been sitting there on twitter for the last 12 months twiddling your thumbs?

There will be 1 more jpeg bull run to put your skills to use!

All we really need to do is go negative on rates and get lucky that it somehow inadvertently decreases spending, pay folks 2x their income on unemployment and to leave alone the community-building small businesses such as FTX to operate the way God intended and crypto is back in business.

I donā€™t think he does get angry? My impression is heā€™s just laughing at Riverman posting ā€œlol bitcoinsā€ for like 12 straight years starting at when bitcoin was like 43 cents per bitcoin, then trying to take a victory lap when it falls to $20,000 per coin. Which to be fair to 6ixFromTheRiverStyx, that is very very funny. Like if the Rivermang had bought $1000 of bitcoin every time he posted ā€œlol bitcoinā€ heā€™d never ever have to work again.


Of course he gets angry. When you get banned on this forum for insulting someone, its because you are angry. And you are bigly angry when during your ban, you create another account to go after the same posters again.

But donā€™t forget, he first needs to remind us about how smart and wealthy he is.

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I think youā€™re confusing incredulous bemusement with anger, which is easy to do. Agree that 6ixFromTheRiverStyx is very smart.

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Insulting people because they call your industry a ponzi = anger.



{citation needed}

wait wat

CZ seized a bunch of my brypto cuz i was naughty and wasnt supposed to be using Binance

and regardless this doesnt sound like something i did or would do

ā€œIā€™m not angry, please trust meā€

using the u mad gambit in late 2022


Donā€™t worry, I still have HFSP in my repertoire of galaxy brain comebacks.

I donā€™t think heā€™s considered that if I was mad I wouldnā€™t be embarrassed or ashamed and wouldnā€™t be denying.

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I just opened the moderation thread and thereā€™s about 50 posts of you there whining about being banned because of Riverman posts.

Yeah what angriness are you referring to?

I mean, there was this also:

Hm, you seem to have a complicated relationship with the truth.

Wait, why did you reply to that post? Letā€™s assume you werenā€™t lying about my 50 whining postsā€¦ How does that relate to your bizarre statement about being angry and insulting?

@danby do you work in traditional finance also? Everybody else here Big Mad like you does.