The Crapto Thread

well, automobiles were clearly better, crypto isn’t

When they first came out people hated cars. They were slower than carriages! “Get that junk off the road!” People would shout from high up on their horses


right but everyone could see the car could improve and it did so quickly

this isn’t true for crypto, it’s a niche and it’s been forever in the tech world with few improvements

SBF interview! Lololol this fucking guy

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Andrew Ross Sorkin, not exactly a hard ass, making this clown look exactly like the criminal he is

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No lawyer and he’s confessing on video broadcast wow bold af

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Literally confessing to all the crimes, incredible

Both his parents are Stanford Law professors

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He thinks coming clean after he gets caught is the smart play? He learned nothing from trump

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This is a WITCH HUNT

Crooked Caroline stole 33,000 bitcoin and smashed her phones with hammers


You givin an interview to the New York times about a fuckin criminal conspiracy!?


I didn’t look into how much Alameda and ftx intermingled funds because I was worried … (don’t say criminal don’t say criminal) uhh about conflict of interest

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Crypto is more like the microwave. Some people thought it would revolutionize cooking and we eventually wouldn’t need conventional stovetops and ovens. The microwave occupies a useful niche and almost everyone has now, but it’s not essential, it just makes certain things more convenient.

Crypto should concentrate on how it can make life easier for lazy people. How can you make a safe exchange so that common people don’t have to mess around with wallets?


“How concerned are you about criminal liability”

“There will be a time and a place for me to consider my future. I’ve had a bad month.”

“You transferred $515 million after the BK. Where did it go?”

“There may have been some improper access” lololol

“What do your lawyers think about you doing this interview?”

[Uproarious audience laughter]


Whenever I watch this guy speak and think about the amount of money that was thrown at him my brain is just like starting to hurt and oh God there’s a loud pulse and thrumming and a roaring rush and the blood is just soaring through my ears God the pressure in my head my G-



Q: what about that Vox interview where you said EA and your charity work was all an act and you didn’t really believe it?

A: I forgot I was talking to a reporter


Priceless response to the question about the company buying a home for his parents. Roughly “I don’t know the paper about that one. But that’s where it is and that’s where it’s going to end up”