The Crapto Thread

Yes. Please feel free to quote my posts where I”m being a dick.

You usually aren’t, and I never said you were. I can find a few where you are deliberately trying to stir up drama at arm’s length if you want, but I really would just like people to not be broad-brush dickish in ways that blatantly misrepresent what other posters think. Seems like a pretty reasonable request to me for a small community like this.


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Wait the guy is in America and he’s not being arrested?


He truly believes he’s just 100x smarter than everyone else and can bullshit his way out of any situation, thats the only possible explanation for why he hasn’t stfu and lawyered up by now

Now he’s claiming he only has 100K left. Lol

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I thought I read the $500 million in robinhood stock that showed up on the lol ftx balance sheet is owned by him personally?

He barely has six figures in his checking account. Hasn’t he been through enough?


And like $300M in real estate. And probably a few billion in btc cold wallets


Horseshoe industry spokesman says automobiles are “on the dirt path to irrelevance”


Have fun staying poor European Central Bank


lol, it’s going to take months to sort through that mess enough to arrest him.

Bitcoin is to fiat currency as automobiles are to horses, or Bitcoin is to fiat currency as segways are to feet.


A+ analogy

First you need a segway to eventually get hoverboards

First you need a decentralized peer to peer currency to get decentralized applications and open source smart contracts


I read a few days ago he’s calling in from the Bahamas for that. I don’t know how he could get away, he’s down there tirelessly trying to make investors whole.

If we take him at this word this is such level 1 thinking. Didn’t he think that Jane Street Capital knew that this could reduce profits? But they implemented it anyway. Maybe there’s a good reason for this profit reducing measure?

I mean that’s about what I’d expect from a Bronze III.