The Crapto Thread

Wait which is it? You know it’s all a scam but you like money or I just don’t get it?

I have multiple dollars that are short but I do admit that bitcoin continues to operate with a shitload of confidence relative to the hiccups and is the reason ino the the price is still pretty high - same with GME. But bubbles take years.

it’s a high risk high reward investment, and fortune favors the brave


It’s plainly obvious you just don’t get it.

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From the new South Park movie. Riverman will appreciate these bigly


Honest question, if you’re willing to give an honest answer … Do you st8ll think btc hits 500k in 20 years?

BTC has the best chance to survive the current “crypto winter”. It’s also relatively deflationary. I think it’s future a pretty binomial distribution with some percentage at roughly $0 and some percentage much much higher than today and not much in the middle.

I would gamble on it hitting $500,000 before $0 in the next 20 years but I think either is very possible. I’d probably put it at 60/40 or something personally. That being said if you took $17,000 and put it into the S&P 500 today for the next 20 years would you outpace BTC on average? Ya I think so.

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victor chaos nft


This is such a dumb argument, as has been explained countless times itt.

No crypto bear itt has ever once said “I know exactly when the market is going to tank and can predict the top” - both of which you better be pretty damn confident in to short a super volatile asset like crypto.

Most people don’t even short stonks. Shorting crypto is still getting involved in the whole messy business.

The argument that no one can have a take on crypto if they aren’t willing to risk losing their entire bet or put in more money on a double-up is absurd.

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Better to just spend hundreds of hours posting about it and compiling twitter and news links than actually make any money. Got it.


Weird how literally every crypto project has the goal of “obtain actual dollars ASAP.”


Gamestop and AMC are a good 10x more frightening to short than BTC or ETH.

Right, because what’s the point of having interest in anything if it doesn’t personally make you money?

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I knew SNAP would fall one day when teenagers found a new shiny object. That’s the closest I’ve ever come to shorting a stonk.

But I didn’t want to risk the 10x in the meantime. And I don’t even know how to short stuff in my Fidelity brokerage account. I think I have to flip the extra risky switch or something.

because the topic is financial markets. that’s like having an interest in waterfalls but hating water and rocks and the outdoors.

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We are talking about a financial instrument right? Or do you think I have a religious belief in this stuff?

Just to make sure you can grasp the concept the goal of investing in things or putting money in things is to make more money. I know, it’s a terribly hard concept to grasp. I would expect a 3 decade veteran of the highly vaunted motley fool board to get that.

Right - which is why everyone who watched and read The Big Short was a real estate or derivatives investor. No one else was interested.

I have an interest in bubbles, and there’s nothing more interesting than being in the middle of one.