The Crapto Thread

Thank God he made comedy legal again on Twitter or he would’ve been fired for that doozy

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Its ok, there will be another crypto bullrun some day where your skills and talents will be put to use again.

Correct. A bunch of kids that knew how to code but were complete fraudulent liars.

Makes Madoff seem like a better place to put your money.

FTX is odd as it seems like incompetence and fraud but not malicious if that makes any sense. Rare edge case.

What’s he doing in Tokyo, just visiting? That seems like an insanely expensive place to live if you’re a crypto trader who could live anywhere.




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Some people need their partners to feel grateful

Yes, I know, that’s what I just said. What I just said in that post. That post that you replied to.

Lol imagine having so much fun staying poor that you forget how to read.

This infatuation with “staying poor” is the cringiest shit on the forum. Even discounting the crypto part of it, it really highlights the complete dumpster fire mindset in the modern world.

Sorry I don’t want to spend my life making the number go up by trading cartoons and looking at graphs.


The Ellison-linked account also demonstrated a substantial preoccupation with “hbd” or “human biodiversity,” an online euphemism for the discredited fields of race science and eugenics popularized by the alt-right.

Ellison has, for years, vocalized her die-hard obsession with Harry Potter . In one post, her affiliated Tumblr account tied her love of online character quizzes to her penchant for sorting Indians by their caste, which she presumed to indicate genetic distinction.

“I feel like part of me that is interested in HBD is the same part of me that loves personality types and ‘which character are you’ quizzes,” the account wrote. “There’s a stereotype of racist people that they will assume any East Asian person speaks Chinese or something. I appreciate that HBD people are the exact opposite of that, and will make fun of you for saying something about ‘Indians’ without specifying province and caste because come on, the genetic differences there are massive.”

when emotionally stunted Harry Potter nerds come into a $billion

Do you want to spend it spotting sarcasm and satire?


I mean damn no wonder you’re staying poor (having fun or otherwise) if those are whooshing over your head lol.


johnny on the spot with that breaking news there

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Dude wtf no one is using it seriously. Not even the actual crypto bros let alone forum people

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No one is using ‘Ponzi’ seriously but that didn’t stop a bunch of people from getting furious about it.

This reply is factually wrong in 5 different ways and yet somehow none of those are the worst thing about it