The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

It’s a corrupt and embarrassing disgrace! No reason to vote in January for the senate runoff!

Also, I thought the Cubans went heavy for Trump? Now they are in on the plan to steal the election from him? Wat?


I guess I was late to the party on Maher being terrible. I liked his show in the Obama years. It was a lot of making fun of right wingers for being racist and religious.

He seemed determined to overlearn lessons in 2016 and just directed 90% of his energy to making fun of SJWs.

The money they save on the tax cuts MORE than makes up for paying their employees a livable wage.

Hunky Tony!

It’s really gross how much of late 90s atheism turned out to be a front for full throated racism.


He’s a libertarian. Of course, he’s terrible.

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John Oliver has presented an interesting disparity between him and Maher and I wonder where it comes from. Nearly everything from Maher on social media is behind a paywall, whereas you can essentially watch the entire episode of Last Week Tonight every week on youtube for free.

Does this come from HBO? From Oliver’s production company? Who decides to aggressively target people uploading clips from the shows? Why is Oliver’s content so much easier to access?

I’m really curious how that works.

Its a good point. I wonder if its because Maher had so many relatively famous people on his show. They probably demand compensation.

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Hmmm. Interesting possibility. I should see if the Oliver episodes with big guest stars is easily available.

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I’m going to preface this by saying I’m talking out my ass and probably don’t know what I’m talking about:

My guess is that Last Week Tonight is viewed by the mother ship as content that gets people to subscribe and Bill Maher is content that people subscribe for. They want Last Week Tonight clips to be out there and culturally relevant bringing culture points to the network. Bill Maher on the other hand probably has some seriously devoted fans who wouldn’t sub if they could get it on Youtube, and his Youtube clips are just as likely to be embarrassing as they are to generate positive buzz. Which is fine because his fans love all of it, but still it’s not something +EV to let just wander around on Youtube.

I also strongly suspect that Last Week Tonight is who got a manual exception from corporate made. Bill Maher’s show is probably the default way they handle people sharing clips of their content.


As a next step, Mr. Trump is talking seriously about announcing that he is planning to run again in 2024, aware that whether he actually does it or not, it will freeze an already-crowded field of possible Republican candidates. And, Republicans say, it will keep the wide support he showed even in defeat and could guarantee a lucrative book deal or speaking fees.

In the meantime, Mr. Trump has spent his days toggling between his White House residence and the Oval Office, watching television coverage about the final weeks of his presidency. His mood is often bleak, advisers say, though he is not raising his voice in anger, despite the impression left by his tweets, which are often in capital letters.

Some advisers had hoped that Mr. Trump would accept the state of the race by the end of this week, but a looming recount in Georgia may delay that. The president has told some advisers that if the race is certified for Mr. Biden, he will announce a 2024 campaign shortly afterward.

The president’s goal for now is to delay certification of the election results, a process that has begun in some states. But his approach to lawsuits aimed at delaying that certification has been as scattered as his own thinking about the future.

Advisers say there may be additional lawsuits filed, but it is not entirely clear when. It also is not clear who is leading the legal efforts.


This is certainly possible. Oliver 100% has more of a viral vibe than Maher. Hell, a lot of his show is built around attempting to wrap interesting news in viral moments, like building the worlds largest cake during a takedown of one of the world’s most deplorable fascists, or buying ads to play on Fox news explaining how healthcare works to the president disguised as catheter ads.


This is my hope. John seems like one of those guys who says “Yeah, I’ll sign a contract, but you cant go after people who decide to freely share my content if they decide to.” And Maher seems like the kind of guy who says “What is the best way to squeeze every cent I can from my audience?”


I think hes more of an “Of course people are going to pay to hear me” kind of guy.

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Wasn’t Bill Maher one of the people who got super super angry about piracy?

Business owners are almost all conservative. Maybe they figured out paying more is good for their business. Maybe they even think it’s being good people to pay more. That doesn’t mean they want the government telling them to do it.


Or, if they really think they have a competitive advantage by offering better wages, they’re certainly not going to want the government interrupting the perceived mistake their competitors are making by not raising wages.


In-n-out and chick-fil-a both paying above industry average.

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Thats been the case for a while. My friends were making 12.50/hr back in 98 when we were in high school at In n Out