The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

This is really it. Most of the meat space companies that seem to provide impossible value propositions (Costco pops immediately to mind) pay their employees substantially more than the competition. Good employees who don’t turn over are worth easily 200%+ more productivity than new employees who end up sucking.

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Yep, and Costco has seriously low turnover outside of their seasonal employees. They call anyone there over a year “lifers”

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lol most secure election ever, except for all the rigging



(not replying to the bot)

It’s only “religious liberty” if it concerns white Conservative Christians.

Now their Service is going to be even more Secret.

I talk to lots of business owners and I would conservatively estimate 90% of them view their employees with disgust.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Pilgrims got kicked out of England then encouraged to leave Holland. It was because they were nutjob busybodies wanting to tell everyone else how to live and worship.

So they came here and have been doing the same ever since, along with their close brethren the Puritans.

At least the Quakers did their own thing. They had strict rules and would kick folks out but if you moved over “there” they would leave you the eff alone.

Alito is so punchable.


They should have started a Home Owners Association instead of a religion. Although there may not be much difference. ALL HAIL THE CONDO BOARD TERMS OF REFERENCE.


Who controls the calendar that the US Govt uses? Could an executive order switch us to the Trump Calendar, in which 2020 lasts for a thousand years?


Only problem with this is Mitch McConnell would never bring it to the floor of the senate, no matter how much noise democrats make.

Prepare for the worst two books ever, “authored” by DJT between 2021 and 2023.

Might also just be legacy stuff. Mahrer has been on before social media existed, Oliver started in the heart of it.


This secret service thing bothers me more than other trump covid adjacent ones. These guys are protecting his life with theirs, and he absolutely gives no flits.

A lot of the coastal wealthy people like to present a veneer of social responsibility to make themselves feel better about themselves and dupe normies into thinking they’re good people. So instead of having a big party (that would just be so gauche) they will have a tax deductible fundraiser for the arts or something like that. They don’t want Ivanka or Failsoninlaw sullying the whole affair.

Then Democrats have to be able to bring this to the media. It may have been semi-futile with Trump blocking 90% of news cycles with scandals, but a normalization of the executive should let Democrats set the agenda more. I agree with StimAbuser that it will be a massive failure of Democratic leadership if they can`t do this.

They should even be able to do it right now, with all the election shenanigans. All that is needed is a coherent message. Put Pelosi in front of a microphone and let Biden, Harris, Bernie and AOC say that this is exactly what we need right now.

Usually economic and pandemic-related issues are far more important to voters than talking about government structure and reform, but they should not let the opportunity that the clusterfuck of counting has created got to waste.