The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Sweet Christmas

it has components from China, No wai, i can’t believe a computer would have those.


Define “doesn’t end well.”

paging narrator


Yeah, I came to make a very similar post here, but I decided not to grunch for the sake of my pony. I think the degree to which Ivanka is still welcomed into that fucking scene is gonna create fucking lawnmower air traffic.

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Some more positive news.

“Dick and I tested positive for COVID. After all these long months, I thought we’d never get it,” Liz Uihlein, Uline’s president and CEO, wrote employees in a statement Wednesday, which was obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The Uihleins, who are in their 70s, are ranked by the donation-tracking site as the fifth-largest donors in the United States to outside political spending organizations, having contributed a whopping $62.8 million to conservative groups this election cycle.

In 2018, when the Uihleins donated almost $40 million to such groups, The New York Times published a profile of them under the headline, “The Most Powerful Conservative Couple You’ve Never Heard Of.”

Pretty surprised Uline donates to conservatives. From my friends in the warehouse business they pay by FAR the most for warehouse workers and thats where everyone wants to go. I think they’re paying like $22 to start in their warehouses with good benefits and cap at like $30. That’s just for basic shit like picking. Doesn’t make sense

Democrats should really seize the opportunity to introduce a Fair Voting Rights Act.
Standards for elections software (they all must leave a paper trail), election day as public holiday, standards for opening hours and number of voting precincts/ early voting, throw in some “measures to make mail-in voting more secure” and even a free national voter ID to make it harder for Republicans to vote against it.

Can the federal government set rules that ban partisan gerrymandering? Throw that in their too.

We’re at the point where if we don’t change leadership who is better at messaging it won’t matter. Right wing media will pump out the propaganda and all the Republicans will automatically assume its just to cheat better because it came from the dems and they’re the cheaters. If the same exact bill came from Republicans it would be incredible.

And nah we need the court to get rid of gerrymandering. Current court will strike down any legislation to end gerrymandering.

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Well, 12 years ago he was leading the charge saying they’re all deplorable racists and are the enemy, when everybody else wanted to hold hands. I guess now he wants those sweet contrarian bucks.

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I’m holding out hope that Maher is remotely watchable again post-Trump. He went full-on “it is woke liberals fault that Trump got elected” and had every conservative edgelord on as a guest.

You should obviously never watch him again because of that.


Bill Maher appealed to me when I was in my late teens, kind of racist, and a newly public atheist. It’s been all downhill from there.

For you or for the show?


I’ve watched maybe 3 episodes of Bill Maher in the last 15 years, always because I was very interested in a guest he was having on. Lots of fast forwarding took place.

I was a fan of his standup as a late teen basically. The show was never as good as TDS and I wasn’t rich enough for HBO back when it maybe might not have sucked yet.

On the couple of occasions over the last few years I’ve turned on his show to see what he’ll say in the opening monologue about some current event and he’s never failed to disappoint. Such a whiny little bitch.

While probably 80+% of Trump supporters fit most of the stereotypes we’ve come to assign them, there are some occasional exceptions out there. Some of them are surprisingly empathetic and not just grifters looking to enrich themselves and hold others down. It’s also possible that they’ve discovered the competitive advantage to actually treating employees like people and not just soft machinery to work until it breaks and then replace them.

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Maher is so bad that if he was my only exposure to political content I would be a Republican. Just the absolute worst.


She’s the dangerous one. The rest are too lazy or stupid to do any real damage.

Ivanka believes everything her dad does but is way smarter about how to deliver that message.

Holy cow. This is the first time I ever noticed that.

Reminds me so much of this:


Why not both?