The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


Hunger games format?

So here is Nancy’s history… she is married to a hedge fund douche and a result was a prolific D fundraiser in the 70s. In the 80s, she decided to seek power herself and used this prolific fundraising ability to beat out real progressives in San Francisco. This plus incumbency has been her strategy to keep beating progressives in SF and across the country ever since.

And she is now furious that AOC+4 have broken through and are sniping off her long-time colleagues like Joe Crowley.

So Mitch is uniquely good at advancing R’s power whereas Nancy is uniquely good at sabotaging progressives. Which is worse is a matter of prospective.


That’s a healthy impulse.

It may not be healthy behavior, but any sane person would feel like doing that.

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This article neatly sums up how a real rich person would have grifted from Trumps position. House insider trading bill takes dig at Pelosi | Reuters. If we know about one instance like this Visa transaction Pelosi and her husband have almost certainly turned a bigger profit than the entire Trump/Kushner family off of being in office.

This is only them making at most a few hundred k, but her husband is a bankster/VC type. We will never know what has been happening in Delaware on their behalf. I have absolutely zero interest in giving one of the most powerful political leaders in the US, married to an extremely wealthy investor (if you think he’s the kind to get his net worth accurately estimated by outsiders I don’t know what to do about it because it’s a you problem) any benefit of the doubt at all.

It’s funny every other commercial here was using Nancy as a foe not progressives.

Mitch and Nancy are both good at preserving their own power.

I’ve always been of the belief that Pelosi is uniquely mad at AOC because she sniped her chose successor in Crowley. Pelosi seems unassailable in her district. Maybe that means instead of trying to primary her, progressives should try to primary other members of her leadership team and making their lives miserable. If that means aiming for people like Steny Hoyer and Jim Clyburn, then so be it.

Yeah… I’d rather go after Pelosi than Jim Clyburn. Neither one has a shot but you’re never going to get close to Clyburn.

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Hey remember when Chuck & Nancy had a bunch of Congressional subpoenas that they never enforced? Good times.


There isn’t even a jail, silly.

Even if you have a little chance, you just do it as a nuisance to make their lives hell. Also, they’re old. They could always die after the filing deadline but before the primary. Progressives should run a primary challenger against anyone old, just in case.


Another pozz.


You’re not going to get anyone good to ever do this. Running against someone like that is REALLY bad for your political career if you lose. Imagine having Jim Clyburn as a personal enemy (which is what you’d have if you ran hard at him in a primary) as an up and coming politician. You might as well change your party registration and get it over with.

Also Nancy’s dad was mayor of Baltimore and her mom was active in politics so she ran in politically connected circles from a young age


And specifically, old school Democratic party machine politics where people were mostly running in safe blue districts, so waiting your turn and getting the backing of the key politicians/endorsers was a more important skill than running the best boots on the ground campaign.



I want to preface this by saying I like your posting a lot, but you’re falling into the trap that I see quite a bit. Although your life experience is unique to you, it isn’t particularly unique. All of us have to deal with stupid people. Some of us have to deal with them in our own family, but all of us have to deal with them in our work environments or our day to day interactions.

And I think you’re off on this. There is no kindness approach that’s going to work on these people. They are a cult, and whatever method works to break people out of scientology is what should be used here. If you’re arguing with somebody that 2+2=4 and they’re arguing that 2 is really defined as 3 and has been a conspiracy since the beginning of time, you aren’t getting there through kindness.


Yep, my brother in law is very talented, is actually a candidate now to run a DOJ office in the Biden administration. Like 10 years ago he was obsessed with the idea of running for office. Meet with the local D party in a blue district about how it works, and they said “well, you need to host a bunch of fundraisers and that gets you on the list to be a candidate supported by the party”

Um, okay how long is the list???

“About 20 years…”

Great system, lol.


I do want to point out that from the other side, we’ve been wanting universal health care, college tuition assistance, climate change stuff, and democratic leaders that aren’t beholden to the rich folks and we haven’t gotten it.

I can easily see why trying to convince somebody to leave the cult of the right ring to join waht they might see as the cult of the left wing as a difficult task.

Here I am voting for dems for almost 30 years and we have the ACA to show for it and some improvements in rights for minorities. I mean fuck, it’s hard for ME to want to vote for the establishment Dems. Gonna be extra hard to convince other people.

Now, if we had some leadership that pushed through M4A and $15 federal minimum wage, and student loan forgiveness, those are tangible things that will improve everyone’s life. THat’s a lot easier sell to the right wing derps when you can point to the things that are better in their lives.


I remember thinking this when I watched Maher on Friday. He did another one of his things to end his show where he talks about coming together blah blah blah we don’t have to hate each other just because we didn’t vote for the same guy blah blah blah and his example was god damn Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani lolol. I mean if these two millionaires from completely different backgrounds can make it then OF COURSE there is hope for the rest of us!

He goes on to all but say out loud that he’s pandering to people in OKC and Birmingham and Augusta and Charleston because he fucking does tour dates there and wants to be invited back but let’s ignore that and pretend he actually believes this shit. Where has he been these last 12 years? When the other side literally doesn’t think you should even exist as a concept how do you reconcile with those people? And why is the onus on US to do it? And more importantly, why should we even WANT to?

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