The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Because we have no other choice and life isn’t fair.

We have a choice about how we use our political power, and we choose to give it to the eDems because they aren’t as bad as the GOP.

Honestly though I am basically done thinking about myself as a member of one of these two political parties. I function better as an independent thing though.


Both parities suck is a good line of attack. Getting right wingers not to vote is a win too.


If you say howston I definitely don’t like you.

For the record victor said 50% of unstuck support Nancy.


How the fuck do you catch covid in Alaska? There’s like 4 people in the state and its the size of the eastern seaboard.

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How about Whoston?

Maybe it’s a Kryptonian dialect.

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Trump in this

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Ivanka Trump has offered a more calibrated message to her father, asking him whether it was worth damaging his legacy and potentially his businesses to continue his refusal to concede.

WTF she thinks he has a legacy and opportunity to improve his business outlook??

This smells of Ivanka getting the press to write, once again, about her moderating influence - for the sake of her legacy and business opportunities.


I went to school with a girl who said that’s how her last name was supposed to be pronounced. I was always pretty sure she was wrong.


Trump takes advice lol good one


Its more of a “hey, I hope to be able to salvage and make money off of your name after you’re dead, the way you’re going there will be nothing left in your will but debts.”


Ivanka and Jared think they’re going to waltz back into polite NYC society. There are plenty of deplorables in NYC, but I think they’re in for a surprise if they try to attend trendy galas, etc.

The entire hypothesis is dumb, anyway. Those who have forever shunned Trumpworld for business and social opportunities aren’t changing their mind if he concedes. And those for whom business and socializing with Trumpworld is still on the table, they aren’t changing their minds either when he acts like a petulant child for the next 8 weeks.

As mosdef said, the Trump kids want to be accepted into upper class society, not palling around with the Candace Owens of the world for the rest of their lives.

They’re all done in NYC. They can hang out with all the other deplorable heirs in lol Florida, but they will absolutely be shunned forever by the people they actually care about.


This is like the curse of the Trumps. Donnie Dumb Dumb’s dad hated that the old NYC money didn’t respect him because he’s a slumlord, Donnie Dumb Dumb never got “in” either. Ivanka was actually close - she carefully cultivated an image that could best be described as “leftish feminishism” and she genuinely duped some people.


During an Oct. 2017 appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden, Wintour had the choice to eat pickled pig’s feet or answer what celebrity would never again receive the exclusive invitation. After letting out a laugh, she answered, “Donald Trump,” to cheers and applause from the audience.

Lol they really are the dumbest fucking people in every room