The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Not at all? My theory is that most of Trumpians on social media are parasitic on the “normal” ecosystem, and they cannot survive without it. There are true believers, but they are just like 1/3 of Trump voters. (Whenever people say 50% of the country supports Trump, that’s a fallacy. Half of the 50% have barely any idea what’s going on, and the other half support Trump as the “best option”, like most of this board supports Biden, in light of their other commitments (“Jesus is comin back soon!”).

I think most of the right-wing, and especially the Trump right-wing, is basically the large, scary shadow of a mouse. His superpower is being able to maintain the illusion of support even where it is rather limited.

His coup isn’t exactly working out.

How About We Ban Purity Tests?
  • But I am a true Scottsman
  • Yes, they are dumb
  • No, I won’t know if I like you till I know how you pronounce Houston
  • Bastard

0 voters

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I still question our polling places…most voting systems are owned and operated by rich and powerful republicans. Systems which have little oversight or openness.

i support her over any republican but she’s not my first choice for speaker


I support her over probably 90% of the Democratic party, maybe 95%. Yes, there are others I would prefer.

I haven’t looked into it much because I’m afraid what I find out would make me too mad/anxious over something I can’t do anything about, but I’m pretty sure I would agree with you.

Lmao at people supporting Nancy Pelosi. Gjge she is a huge reason why our democracy is going to shit. Shes also a bigger roadblock to progress than mitch.

Crazy so many people here support her. Even centrists shouldn’t wtf. I guess ripping up papers works lol

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You’re a good person—mine usually contain a light saber or a flamethrower.


You cannot trigger or pwn libs on a social network with no libs.

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You really, truly believe that Pelosi is a bigger obstacle than the man who did the scotus?



Ummm 2/42 support her in the poll.


100%. We can overcome mitch if we win the Senate. But Nancy blocks all progress on our own team even if we did win full control.

Plus her shitty tactics as speaker make it way harder to win the Senate.

Like even if we did win full control we wouldn’t get good shit done because of her.

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These free speech apps and sites fade as quickly as they come. Eventually they become a child porn and terrorism haven before getting shut down. Shit never lasts long.


Oh on my phone it looks like the poll is even plus first two replies were support. Still that’s two too many

Is Pelosi so bad that we would support a centrist challenger against her? The people who didn’t vote for her in 2018 as Speaker were people like Abigail Spanberger and Conor Lamb.

Yeah they’re worse but if we cant do better than Pelosi waaf. I’m tired of getting outplayed by Republicans

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Mine involve spending the rest of time at ADX Florence because that’s objectively worse and something we actually do to people. I’d like to close that place obviously, but if it has to stay open they can spend the rest of their time eating nutraloaf and screaming at the walls.

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Like when we won the house and passed hr1 she immediately attacked Omar and killed any hype of the bill