The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

There is a good chance that COVID helped turnout on both sides. Trumps, by riling up over it and Dems by allowing it to be easier to vote in suppressed areas due to them not being able to deny mail in ballots.

Who knows who made out better for sure.


eh, people demanded to open shit up in 1918 there’s no messaging you can do to make people care.

For twitter just to tag these tweets with a disclaimer is criminal. Delete this shit.


Same. Turning it into a partisan issue gave him something new to get people riled about rather than stale wall memes.





I mean there have been a lot of points where Congress power of inherent contempt was justified. But failing to do it at all during the impeachment investigation and only using it now because the transition funds are getting delayed? Come on. The time to do it was last year.


Nancy wont do shit. Shes literally as big of an obstacle as mitch.


Reminder Bill Barr’s dad hired Epstein at Dalton


“Rogan O’Handley” sounds 100% made up

This is the way to go. Every person is different and a one way fits all method wont work for all. People also seem to want instant gratification. But thats not how getting someone out of a cult works. It takes a lot of time and effort. And even then some are to far gone.

There should be a cult deprogramming thread here if you really want to change people. And if you are going to say they wont or cant change. Then method dont much matter so people trying the non mocking ways, which do have there place, are not making things worse they are only wasting their time.

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Good to see we resolved all of that!


Actually everything points to him naming very aggressive anti trust members to cabinet.

We pretended like they were not racist for 40 years and how did that work out?


Agreed. Most of them are completely ignorant as to what is going on and they don’t understand how the political system works.

How are you going to convince someone whose every reply will be a falsehood, deliberate or not? That will hurt the feelings too.

I am cool with shame and ignore.

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This works best in a group and in person but i like to talk over their head, which is kind of mocking but i dont do it in a mean way just a way that points out their ignorance to others. They go into their hole mostly.

Can’t wait until the Biden doj determines the exact opposite.

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Over on 22 P&S, I commented I don’t know any liberals who support Nancy Pelosi. Our own Victoar/Victor named a percentage of people he thought supported Pelosi, here.

This is a vote to whether yin support Nancy Pelosi and her role as Speaker of the House.

Nancy, Nancy, Nancy
  • I support Nancy
  • I do not support Nancy
  • Is Victoar really Victor?
  • Bastard

0 voters

Fingers crossed. But his donor lists and big tech influenced transition team is less encouraging.