The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Its satanic panic 2.0. It will pass, but it will hurt a lot of people in the process
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Yup. Ole Rupe might be thinking twice now about not selling the news division to Disney when he had the chance

I bet Hellmuth is already counting his money.


James Rennie , better known as Big Jim is a main antagonist in the novel. A power-obsessed second selectman of Chester’s Mill, owner of a used car dealership and the biggest crystal meth lab on the east coast. When the dome comes down, he uses the situation to take control of the Town.”

Sounds about right


Everyone else still has Biden at 11.5K lead, right?

Facebook, Google, Twitter: “Right-wing nut jobs are our bread and butter, now and into the future. Lettuce do what we can to cater to and appease them.”

Right-wing nutjobs:

No, he doesnt. Trump lost 2016 by 3 million votes. Hes going to lose 2020 by 5 million. Our stance is entirely consistent.


Parler etc isn’t getting their shit pulled from cloud providers unless its flat out Nazism, posting swastikas, N word everywhere. I don’t think that is happening now.

Dude… you’re hugely underestimating Zuck here. This dude’s company literally has a kill radius. Parler survived almost certainly because it was a significantly inferior product that helped the illusion of there being competition. Actually being competition is how you get deaded.

The official reason will be naziism etc (as though there isn’t plenty of that content getting through on FB) but the real reason will be because Zuck called in favors.

Parler is sooo free speech oriented that they don’t let lefties troll much before catching a ban lol


If you tailor the parameters just the right way they can frame it in a way that sorta makes sense, or at least it would make sense if they were actually right about voter fraud being a thing this time. The Electoral College is a structural impediment to Democrats winning but it isn’t fraud, it’s one of the rules of the game. I think it’s the talk of vote tampering in 2016 for which we’ve never had proof as far as I know, so even if it happened you can’t point to anything that anyone will take seriously, and the more vague charge of election interference that they’re getting at.

@Riverman is correct

Without going into details, they are the COWARDS who refuse to fight for a better wage for themselves & will admit it once you dig into their views, they just want to back the strongman because we’re animals who like to be in a gang, it’s that simple imo.

Crush them with words or fists and they crumble like the cowards they are, sure everyone has his day and theres nothing worse than a scared animal on the loose as its capable of some messed up shit, but once cornered, it knows its a scared animal failing at life, desperate for you to either understand his hurt or join them.

Survival instinct? For sure it is & Americans are in survival mode atm & I fear will lash out again like the scared animal that it is.


Even Trump’s link has a 11.5K lead. He just can’t help himself from rounding down (lying).

There’s definitely something to be said for provoking fight or flight reactions in people that are instinctively cowardly. A good outcome would be to drive deplorables back into their burrows and out of the public discourse. Just make sure not to forget they exist.

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Donnie Dumb Dumb and numbers are sworn natural enemies. Numbers don’t lend themselves well to baseless superlatives. There’s really no such think as Huge 8. There’s just 8.
( twitter | raw text )

But wait, Donny. aren’t some of those 73M votes mail-in ballots? How do you know they are legal?

I’ll wait.

eta: oh shit, am I about to eat a ban?


We believe in self help nowadays…

24 hours should do it for you

BeBetter :sweat_smile:


I occasionally find myself daydreaming about seeing a Kushner, Stephen Miller or McEnany in person and screaming at them how awful they are. Probably not a great sign for my mental health.