The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

On one hand, startup social media alternatives seem to fail at a spectacular rate. But Trumpers seem to defy the odds at every turn, so maybe parler actually will take off and be poisoning brains for generations. Seems likely actually. They are already switching from Fox to Newsmax at an alarming rate.

Most social media startups run a business model where there is no subscription fee but advertising plus data mining provide revenue. Trump already monetized Trumpkin hate via “political donations”, I am pretty sure that if he tells them to send $5 per week the Parler then they will

You’re underestimating both Zuck and Rupert. Neither one is going to let these people go in peace. Parler now has to fade getting dropped from every cloud provider… not because of their politics but because they pose a distant threat to FB.

It’ll happen when this all calms down in the middle of the night of course, and all the liberals will cheer.

The flip side of all these people being sucked in by right-wing propaganda is that they are far more impressionable than we may think. They just want to be part of a team. For many, maybe most, people, politics is just a way to fight loneliness. Its why religion works. People don’t actually believe that shit, they like sitting in a building with people who agree with them. As Don Draper says, someone to tell you “Its OK.” In America right now, things are very much not OK, and even complete idiots know it, but they need a safety blanket. Refundable tax cuts aren’t gonna do it, but endless Facebook feedback loops are built to satisfy this core emotional need.

Which is a long way of saying, unfortunately I think we do need to fight back. I constantly get PMs on the golf message board from people thanking me for standing up to the right wing lunatics that post there. There are plenty of people lurking in the shadows who know better.

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Ladies and gentlemen that guy is from the same state as Joe Manchin the GOAT.

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Looks like he’s ready to concede any minute now.


The only way you have any chance of breaking the spell is shaming them. Being nice to them just normalizes their positions. Yet I see, as I’m sure you do, endless lefties constantly chasing their tails debating these people in good faith. That probably also further programs the normies to see everything as “both sides” and tune out. If you laugh at them, make fun of them and explain to your entire audience why they are moronic racists they don’t seem to like that. They show up to “own the libs” and instead get shamed in front of their mutual friends.

It’s the only way to go but the vast majority seem to be hell bent on “when they go low we go high” still. It’s insanity. It has never worked and especially will not work in this political climate.


Their super power is total immunity to shame.

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I’m sorry but I completely disagree. I have almost universally seen them show up with the “fuck your feelings” attitude and as soon as they are made to look stupid in public in front of their friends they all pivot to “stop bullying me”.

Literally none show up ever on my social media posts anymore which implies they do have shame and don’t want another beating.


God even among his consistent inconsistency it tilts me so hard he claims Arizona from the AP but says EVERY state he lost that got called by the AP ISNT VALID UNTIL RECOGNISED SUPREME COURT


You’re confusing the followers with the leaders.


They don’t fight you because they think the exact same of you as you do if them. It’s not shame they feel. It’s that they think you are the dumbest most evil person on their feed and not worth engaging.


This is the exact approach I take on the golf forum. Like one of these assholes recently came with “wish we had William Buckley around today” and I just posted a screenshot of Buckley’s most racist nonsense and asked OP if he was racist, stupid or both. Took like 20 seconds, far more efficient than any kind of back and forth interaction.


Then why are they all running off to Parler where mean lefties and Zuck can’t pick on them for their abhorrent views? I don’t think you are right about the average American deplorable. They have always felt shame for their views deep down. That’s one reason why they love Trump. They can all get together and have public klan rallies without as much social consequence because of the size of the MAGA crowds. It’s also why you don’t see MAGA nation in the streets right now even though they all just know the election was stolen.


I have a good friend who is very outspoken on sm. He posts something and the right wingers descend on him like a swarm. Every post has 50-150 comments. He doesn’t realize he is basically platforming them by being nice to them. I’ve tried to tell him to cut it out. Occasionally he loses it but then apologizes to them. Which in one of these people’s minds mean they won.


I see this too. Whenever a news story comes out that crushes RW talking points, like George Floyd, they lay low for a while until Fox or other RW outlets formulate the playbook. Then they come back in droves. We will see them in a few days linking fraud articles and other bullshit.

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This deplorable lawyer posted a meme laughing at the hypocrisy of the libs for saying 2016 was illegitimate while saying Biden won fair and square in 2020. Which, okay, he kinda sorta might have a point. But then his next post is all about election fraud in PA. That’s the kind of thing deplorables are truly shameless about. If the libs are hypocrites then he is being just as big a hypocrite now and he clearly doesn’t care at all.

Edit: sorry that wasn’t really a reply to you specifically Koss.