The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Dominion is a fun board game. First thing I thought of.


It’s great. I don’t see anything wrong with Chapelle’s final message in his monologue. He doesn’t hate anyone. He hates the feelings that divide us. The visceral experiences and impulses that drive us to hurt each other regardless of whether we feel an ounce of hate. Harm doesn’t just come from malice. It’s born from selfishness and neglect, two things that struggle to survive if we work past the feelings that divide us.

Perhaps I’m bringing too much of my own perspective to my reading of the monologue. The reason I don’t hear him saying anything akin to “both sides” is because he is asking for accountability on both sides. That phrase is bullshit when it’s used to absolve people of accountability. Chapelle isn’t saying that. Quite the reverse.

He likes to talk about issues that are universal struggles for humanity. He takes plenty of direct shots at conservatives and cops and Trump himself in general and in this very monologue. I sort of take it to be his point that he ended by saying he hates that feeling that compels us to hurt each other rather than ending on yet another direct attack.

This is the part where he is being serious. He ends by saying if you don’t like that, come get some lessons in comedy. Just saying if you prefer to ignore him when he says some serious shit, don’t worry, you can just laugh.

It’s the payoff to the setup from halfway into the monologue when he first says he’s about to drop some serious shit, and the horror is that no one will listen unless he delivers it with a punchline. When he offers that punchline at the end–after he dropped that serious shit–he’s punching back at the audience that refuses to hear him as anything other than a comedian.


If you’re referring to the card game, it’s pretty awesome

Edit: Slow pony

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Don’t judge me, but if I had a racial slur hall pass, I’d use it to proclaim Emperor White N word

Your pony has been given a curse card


His shining shot was when he was at his most serious


Dominion are a shape-shifting race of aliens from the gamma quadrant, introduced to the federation via a wormhole near the space station deep space 9 orbiting Bajor, who attempted to alter our election and got caught



So looked up my “favorite RWNJ” on facebook. Apparently she has joined Parler in the last 24 hours. Making me wonder how much Parler is going to be a thing in the next X years.

The thing is that the edge lord types that start these communities hate when your aunt joins them. They want to do truly deplorable nazi shit and don’t want someone who will hawk crystals and mlm shit on there.


I can’t imagine it lasts if it is a full blown echo chamber with no libs to trigger. I mean triggering the libs is the entire American right-wing political spectrum (from ‘important’ to ‘everything’). They have no ideas or principles that they could discuss/share on Parler other than I guess the legitimate terrorist/militia members (which is its own separate concerning issue).


Yeah I’m pretty comfortable saying what almost everyone, including experts, thought about politics is mostly wrong now. I don’t think peoples actual realities matter that much anymore. I think what matters is the realities that are shaped through social media/FB. Also the fact that politics has now become like the #1 thing in everyones lives for the last 4 years.

Most Americans are idiots, and they’ve been shaping those impressionable minds on FB and in person for the last 4 years that the dems are evil, pedophiles, hateful, wanna burn down your suburbs, while the dems have been saying Republicans are actually great, amazing, it’s just Trump who is bad. And this is just who dems are, they always want to be the adult party, assume Republicans are operating in good faith, are good people etc. You even see this on the supreme court. Dems will dissent and say well your arguement isn’t logical, but will NEVER attack the Republican justices for bad faith or being partisan when its obvious. BUT when the Left justices get a win, the right justices have zero problem calling them political, partisan etc.

It really just looks like we aren’t equipped for this fight. Not the old leaders we have now anyways. I really feel like we’re going to get steamrolled for awhile until the destruction forces out the old leadership and we can get some people in the game who know what the fuck we’re up against.

I guess maybe there is some hope it dies down once the cult leader is gone, but so will the anti trump push. But I really think the anti trump will die down more, because the rights propaganda is not just Trump is cult leader, it’s democrats are evil monsters. Evil monsters who stole an election. So a lot of those people will stick around.

Hope to fuck I’m wrong. Because with climate change coming the implications of us getting steamrolled for a decade… well I don’t need to tell you guys.


The good news is Bidens DOJ should be able to do a LOT to reign in FB. Parlor will be for terrorist cells and shit, not something big enough to get 70+ million to vote against their own interests.

That said since nobody really knows shit yet, so its possible all this is completely wrong and without the cult leader, the R’s bore these people to death and they stay home, or Trump after he finally has to accept the loss blows them up, or his insane push to invalidate the election creates a split. I mean not knowing means hope.

I dont know, ISIS had a successful global recruitment program with less pervasive social media practices and they took over a good chunk of territory. I think we’re drawing live to a wide range of outcomes from “Trumpkins crawl back in their holes and buy more guns and post racist stuff on the internet” all the way up to “Someone harnesses the millions of radicalized people and makes Handmaids Tale a reality somewhere in the US”.


It’s why I’ve just been an insanely hateful asshole on social media to anyone on my feed posting rw propaganda. It’s for the people reading it to hopefully understand how gross that behavior is. Too many on our side preach civility in the face of this garbage. How is that working out for us?

4 years ago my social media posts got lots of right wing push back. I spent the entire 4 years relentlessly dunking on them 100% of the time whenever they showed up. Did it cost me “friends”? Not really these people are scum and deserve to be treated like it. Now my posts only get likes and comments from other lefties. They know it is a safe space to post because they have all seen the wrath. All the right wingers stay away and/or have unfriended me long ago. I have also received several pms over the last few years from people I haven’t talked to in years or decades in some cases thanking me for standing up to them.

In short fuck these nazi fucks. Let them cry about the mean libs it makes them look hypocritical and weak.


Yep. The possibilities are really endless and anyone saying they know exactly where we’re going with this is full of shit. We can make educated guesses, but basically everyone here was WAY off the mark for 2020 so we don’t exactly have a lot of credibility to say we know how this shit works.

We will get a better idea when we have better voting statistics. Because exit polls are complete shit and useless. I’m hoping we just lost on blacks/Hispanics because Biden was such a terrible candidate for them. A few of my black friends hated Biden because they were targeted on FB about Bidens horrible past.

The scary thing is, we need WI/MI/PA so we really need people to appeal to those voters. So we need someone who can appeal to the white working class AND hispanics/blacks. Heres hoping.

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IMO the second part of your post speaks to the first part of your post. We all have a tendency to zoom in on stuff like the state level strategy and how to aggregate that up to a winning plan in the current environment, but I think its constructive to periodically zoom out and recognize this is all happening in the context of empire collapse. Crazy unpredictable stuff happens when global centers of power move. I worry that by the time anyone figures out how to reliably win Wisconsin in Presidential elections the more pressing questions will be figuring out how to appease China so they don’t cripple the US economy or the global climate. AOC 2028 better be good at trade negotiations because a Green New Deal will probably be a negotiation with China about their emissions, not a piece of US legislation.

I find this comforting. James Lankford is willing to push back against Trump with all the power that he wields as (trumpet fanfare) Junior Senator from Oklafuckinghoma. Mildly worded letter and/or fruit basket upcoming:

This man could be the next Ben Sasse!


People on my feeds who are lefties here in OK are unironicly posting this to praise him. It’s amazing how even the tiniest gesture or concession from the right is met with loving adoration from our side. It truly is Stockholm Syndrome.


I would call it the Overton-Stockholm Effect, its the combination of both the movement of the perceived range of acceptable policies PLUS the abuser/abused dynamic resulting from the acceptable range of policies being abusive to the population.