The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

My hope for Parler is that a real DOJ/FBI will find it a rich source of tracking terrorists and stopping attacks and bringing assholes to justice.

Paging @SweetSummerChild


Oh the police will be using Parler. They need to know where the right wingers will be gathering so they can provide protection from “thugs”


Biden’s DOJ isn’t going to do anything about FB.

What do you want the government to do about Facebook?

Antitrust full court press, anything criminal we can sniff out full court press, repeal 230. FB is a huge problem that we actually have a lot of options for attacking with the Executive.

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Much better chance Trump would have done that stuff, zero chance Biden does any of that. He’ll probably drop the antitrust lawsuit against google. Forget about new antitrust actions against tech.

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Who was talking about vote tampering in 2016?
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I gotta be honest I don’t think this is true at all. I’ve been in sales a long time and ‘kill them with kindness’ is a truism. You can get them to slink off into the darkness by shaming them, but I have real doubts that they absorb any of it.

What you need to do is get them to have a real conversation with you. I know that sucks and is super irritating, but it’s the task at hand. Hurting their feelings isn’t going to make them rethink their world view. If pure logic was going to work we wouldn’t be in this spot in the first place.

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You might want to quickly read Neville Chamberlain’s Wikipedia page before shoving all your chips in on the strategy of appeasement.

I remember talk of hackable voting systems, the implication being the Russians could have swayed the results in some of those really close states. Stuff like this:
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I read this a few months ago. Not his best novel but entertaining enough.

One review on goodreads complained that all the bad guys were republicans and she’s never reading SK again because he’s a liberal commie.


Getting a deplorable to have a good faith conversation with a lefty isn’t possible.


What a terrible take. Their votes spend like anyone elses. I’m not trying to appease them I’m trying to convert them (NOT culturally, this is not about making them use personal pronouns correctly). This is about manipulating people into getting to the right place, not about letting their voting behavior stay the way it is.

Don’t you think that if shouting at them was working it would have worked by now?

I genuinely hoped we didn’t need to do this to win everything because turnout and demographics. Those outs are gone. This is all that’s left.

The only way for the world to work the way you want it to work now would be for us to get even more authoritarian than they are and physically force these people to comply with our world view. That isn’t going to happen, so the only road to doing something real about climate (which honestly is the only priority in the truly big picture, everything else sucks but isn’t ending the world anytime soon) runs through flipping some double digit percentage of the people who voted for Trump 8 days ago.

If you’re telling me that doing anything but ineffectually yelling at these people because our positions are self evident and shouldn’t need to be sold is being Neville Chamberlain… well we’re fucked.


Rogan O’Handley lmao

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We may be mixing up some concepts here. The battle really needs to be fought on two fronts:

  1. The political front requires exactly the counter-aggression that you dismiss. “Have a conversation” in this domain is the same as “reach across the aisle” and it has a proven track record of failure.

  2. Where we probably agree more is in the personal relationships front, this is friends, family, neighbors stuff and yeah an all out war with your neighbor isn’t likely to yield a net positive. I still think its not the right framing to say hey, let’s have reasonable conversations with these people and win them over. They’re not reasonable. The playbook there should be “how to get someone out of a cult”.


There are literally millions of deplorable-adjacent people for whom that is not true and who vote.