The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

If they had no idea who he was and just saw a pic of the guy on the right, they’d loathe and make assumptions about him.

That is NOT a man who bodyslams reporters.

A lot of big fat guys who could barely go up a flight of stairs can credibly play a tough guy. Sure, James Gandolfini was probably strong, but he would have gotten his ass kicked by a lot of people half his size. Trump is a crippled fatso, but he’s a big imposing dude. This macho thing is crucial for Republicans since Reagan. GHWB was not a wimp, but that is absolutely what killed his re-election. He wasn’t small, but he was trim and refined-ish. I’d rather run against Don Jr. than Dan Bongino.


No, you’re wrong on this.

Think about how Garrison would struggle to depict a macho-looking Jr. that he wouldn’t have to label. That’s the mental image cult members have of Trump.

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I think you’re grossly underestimating the value of bulk, expertise, and a willingness to really hurt someone. Fighting against a guy in a higher weight class is impossibly hard, and will only work if the other guy doesn’t have any idea how to use his extra bulk against you. Tony Soprano had every murderous thug in North Jersey scared of him. He’d definitely lose any fight that lasted longer than 30 seconds against someone in better shape, but if that fight starts with Tony grabbing the other dude’s clothes, slams him into everything, and then finishes him off by beating him to death with an inanimate object from the environment it’s not going to last that long and whatever advantage the other guy has in his ability to bench press more than tony is going to start getting spent fighting that bulk the instant the fight starts. It’s a lot easier to be the person with the weight on his side. Trust me on this.

Yeah. They don’t believe the stuff about the water and the ramp or at least they can pretend it’s not true. It may even be better that it’s not true. There has to be something there for the fiction to hang on to though.

I spent my first 25 years fighting someone literally twice my weight. I know something about it.


Fair enough. If you were winning ever he wasn’t anywhere in your league at it. I bet most of the times you lost it was because he got hold of you and didn’t let go.

Not if they bring their kids with them.

That’s an argument for a long standoff with even fewer casualties isn’t it? And if it doesn’t end in negotiation the kids die anyway and the military casualties are still virtually nil. Someone might get that sweet sweet service disabled veteran check that day. To protect the kids.

EDIT: Not meaning to offend anyone. I have friends who are military and ex military and their sense of humor about it has rubbed off. Saying they take their humor dark is an understatement. Probably why we get along actually.

I don’t know about winning most of the time (I was younger as well) but I held my own. And, yeah, don’t get caught underneath, but even then, be really good a wriggling out.

I love every bit of Trump going apeshit, especially at the SOS in Georgia. Trump is our best chance to kill Loeffler and Perdue.

71 million votes were not all Republicans. Millions are Trumpers. We need for T to fight as hard as possible, lose, and make every Trumper hate the Rep. party enough that they don’t vote for a decade. Trumpers won’t go Dem, but they will stay home without T to drive them.

Good response by Biden


When fighting an overweight dude, go in from the side and keep moving him sideways… Always aim for the head or shins.

Then 🏃‍♂️


For somebody who is only putting up the mirage of caring about winning, it sure looks like he cares:

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I thought you Glaswegians favoured the head butt.

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Yeah, this line about it being nothing but prep for 2022/24 smacks of complacency.

And here’s a bad response

Meh, it’s fine. Projecting calm and confidence is probably the right call at this point.

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I had a dream where Trump issued a concession tweet and Bovada immediately paid out my money, but it was too unrealistic so I woke up.