The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

lol I similarly thought “Lawn 'N Order” as more of a literal wordplay, but I don’t think you can top the existing phrasing so that everyone gets it.

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Guys calm the fuck down. Seriously.


He has a great shot at it, it’s been clear for at least a year or so. He’s learning to emulate the old man at the rallies, if he can pull the act off he can win their primary.

It’s tough when you’ve received the catastrophizing positive feedback loop for life after Trump got in there.

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Sir, you are misusing the word “get”.

The subsidy money you send to the resource extraction states comes back in the form of lower costs. There’s a real chance it’s a net saving overall if you consider profits to the ownership class as having economic value equal to other types of inflows.

I think it was @microbet that was calling him a wimp, he lacks the physical stature and charisma of poppa.

He’s right. It’s why I’m not too afraid of him himself.

The thing that I think keeps getting lost in concerns about future (sado)populists emerging from the right is that Trump is one of one.

His appeal is largely being a comic, it’s lame jokes to us but his whole schtick is comedy. Jr can’t replicate it and neither can any other R.

The next Trump to fear is Kid Rock or another celebrity, if Bill Burr had the notion we’d be fucked. Trump was something of a perfect storm (in that he was famous and appealing to non-whites despite his overt white pride) so I’m really hoping normalcy reigns for a couple decades, I’m cautiously optimistic.


I am really curious which part of the constitution, specifically, relates to extending mail in voting three days during a global pandemic. I have been pouring over it and I can’t figure it out.

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We need to start the rumor that Biden and his team had been working with Pfizer extremely closely for the last six months, to save the country and the world.

If they can just bald face make stuff up and never stop pushing it why can’t everyone else?


Same reason there’s not a big AM radio market for the left.

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Let’s see if dumb republican politicians really want four more years of that.

Boring president incapable of doing anything because Mitch. Furious Trumpers convinced we are a day away from full blown communism. An economy in shambles because covid, Mitch, and something about the sitting president may someday be able to raise taxes. GOP gerrymandering all the red states, Dems playing nice and having independent districting panels in blue states.

We might win the senate because the map is that good for us, but we lose the House and make zero gains in state governments. Lol we aren’t getting a modest tax increase of billionaires this decade, and you’re hopeful we get 2 new states?

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The hating and distrusting liberals did not start with trump. He just capitalized on it.

Half the country has been told for decades they are the victim and that the other half of the country is to blame.


Which is what they want to hear anyway.

They want to hate people smarter than them. Same as it ever was. It’s not changing.


You mean the physical stature to not be able to walk down a ramp without having a death grip on the rail? To drink water with two hands? To whine about the weather everywhere he goes?



Tangent: I feel so old when I get the “ACQUIRING SIGNAL” message on my satellite radio and I tell my kids, “This shit never happens with terrestrial radio.”

The Secret Service will escort him out. His post presidential detail will be told to wait outside, a specially picked team of agents will approach trump, throw him on the ground kneel on his neck for…