The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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If they win the Senate and Biden is behind it neither Manchin or Feinstein is going to stop them from nuking the filibuster. They will fall in line. “Winning the Senate” is the big if here, not things Feinstein or Manchin say.
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lol imagine if senator wicker was unaware of this hearing but is keyed into twitter

@senatemajorityldr there will be hamberders at the hearing today! vote to confirm!


Man, I don’t know, Biden’s been President for 2 days and we already have a vaccine. Seems like a great Victory…

For President Biden!!!


I’m using that line over. Biden got us the vaccine in two days.

When they raise their eyebrow I just that we know Trump would make the claim and they just say “good point”.



Honestly if that’s true and hes aware of his power and is willing to use it, that’s scary.

He can force them to do a lot of crazy shit. I kinda thought maybe it would drive a huge wedge between them and normal Republican voters but those dont exist anymore do they? Its just all insane trumpers voting now.

There are a lot of potentially good things about trump leading these lemmings away from the gop. After he’s gone they probably lose interest and try new things.

Plus it makes Mitch sad, and that always makes me happy.

I appreciate that you’re always positive boredsocial but nah did this is terrible. He isn’t leading them away from the GOP. Hes leading them to a life of hating and mistrusting liberals.

Honestly I think a lot of the GOP new voters stay because a big part of trumpism is hating liberals and that will be there long after trump leaves.

Part of me Hope’s if this gets bad enough it could turn off some of the less crazy GOP voters, but honestly I dont know if that’s a thing anymore.

Let’s be real, trump picking up 10 million new voters blows up all of our previous assumptions about demographics, politics, and just the future in general. We really have no fucking clue what will happen going forward and nobody does.

Like all the experts got this wrong. Nobody has a clue what all this means going forward but I’m pretty confident it will not be good for us, especially because of how incompetent and unequipped Democrats are for this fight

About that whole potential schism between Trump and the GOP moving forward:

Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle are making moves to expand their influence at the Republican National Committee, three GOP sources, including advisers to the President tell CNN. Some sources say they may seek to take over the party structure themselves.

President Donald Trump’s eldest son and his girlfriend, a Trump campaign fundraiser and former Fox News host, have made it clear to campaign and White House officials they are unhappy with RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who they view as not having done enough to win a close race.

Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle could seek leadership roles at the RNC to position the committee for a comeback run for the President in 2024, the sources said.

“Don Jr. and Kimberly have an eye on the RNC, through themselves taking over or somebody close to them taking over,” a well-placed Republican Party source close to the White House said.

Trump Jr. is seen as a prolific fundraiser inside the party as well as a popular figure in his father’s grassroots base.

For some in the GOP, as distasteful as Trump Jr. leading or having significant influence over the RNC may sound, it’s seen as better than purging the outgoing first family, which could backfire with the President’s base, two sources close to the White House said.

“In order for Republicans to move forward they may have to do this,” one of the sources said.

“They don’t want the ride to end,” a Trump adviser said of Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle.

I don’t know if this is good news, or bad. I got a vision of Trump Jr being president in a decade and threw up in my mouth a little.

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It’s bad news, previous Rs were “effeminate elite” pretending to be like Don Jr. for votes from the overwhelming number of white uneducated voters out there like him.

Now the party is turning into the real deal, meaning a) more genuine and long lasting appeal to these uneducated voters b) zero point zero ethics in trying to obtain power and win races c) massive incompetence and malevolence when they do have power.

In exchange, college educated voters continue to trend D. It’s a horrible trade.

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Should be “Lawn Order”


Biden knows that the military will have no problem escorting Trump out of the White House if he won’t leave. What he is not so sure about is whether they would risk hundreds of soldiers dying while defending a prison from 50,000 maniacs with guns trying to free their leader. Thus he won’t let it come to that.

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Seriously this is the road to the fall of the empire and the country breaking up. I think a lot of people in CA are going to be surprised how much more expensive some stuff becomes and I think a lot of people in AL are going to be shocked by how much of their states total economy was federal aid that was paid for in CA.

It’s all interlinked is what I’m getting at, and this result is not good.

Lol hundreds of soldiers. The military would launch one barrage of longer range stuff at them and then call someone and ask if they surrender yet. It’d be an enthusiastic yes.