The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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When did she say this? I can’t find it on the googles.

I guess she didn’t say that he lost but she’s definitely preparing her audience to accept it.

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That sure seems to have worked out.


I do think Manchin is more liberal than he comes across as, he says things in order to keep control of WV, just like Collins and wouldn’t be the deciding vote to shut down anything major that is progressive

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Plural legal scholars seems optimistic Donald. The over/under is set at 1. I would like the under because I plan to vigorously contest the credentials of every single person who makes this argument. The best bets are the ones where you know which angle you’re going to shoot in advance.

So we’re now drawing to binking a miracle in NC or AK, sweeping the GA specials, and making Feinstein the ambassador to Disneyland.

Anyone ever made a backdoor straight flush?


Eh. Manchin does have a history of being very concerned about Democratic priorities and then with great difficulty in his heart voting for them. He really is our Susan Collins.

The man’s been a politician for a long time. Let’s not take his words at face value.


These things are not Democratic Party priorities.

I would be more inclined to agree if this was healthcare or $15/hr. I don’t think he’s trading his seat for PR statehood or a packed court. Would love to be wrong though.

He won’t be trading his seat. He’s our Susan Collins. He votes for our stuff and lives. That’s the sum total of what is good about him. He’s a WV senator that votes for us sometimes and somehow gets reelected. I’m pretty sure we’re going to miss him when he’s gone.

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He would vote for $15/hr or healthcare and live. Maybe even pack the court and live. Statehood for DC and PR would be a tough sell.

Trump won his state by 40. Of course he’s not going to support any of that stuff, come on.

Statehood for DC and PR was never on the table without a real senate majority. We need to do well in 2022.

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Go look at his voting record. He comes through in the clutch when we really need his vote and hides the rest of the time. That’s how he keeps getting reelected. He’s literally the Susan Collins of Appalachia.

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What did Andrew do?