The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


Is Pepsi ok?

Pepsi solved racism. But just shows you trump loves shoving garbage in himself

I’m glad Joe won and that’s great but I haven’t really lost any of the dread and disgust I feel on a daily basis.

71 million people want fascism. It isn’t going to get better.


Scorching take: maybe it’s better that Trump & Co really go for broke now, overplay their hand (if that’s still possible), and bring this thing to a head. Because boiling the frog has been very, very, effective.



I’m feeling a little better. Mostly when I see stuff like people leaving Facebook. Parler and other freeze peach sites are a wake up call.

When grandma who liked seeing sleepy Joe memes is instead subjected to unending pro Nazi, n word everywhere stuff its good for us. Facebook is a unique evil in that they allow really bad things but not the worst things. Grandma is not going to be a Nazi. I think.


Lol private jet for a state campaign. Only the best people.


Yeah I’m totally fine with people going somewhere that doesn’t have FB’s finely tuned algorithm for politics. It also gives FB incentives to want to see these people deprogrammed and returned to their platform. They’re going to be both places obviously.

And for a billionaire.

I’m not hearting that garbage.

(But I will heart it as proxy for posting the Melania divorce thing because that deserves more than one star.)

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That’s like a pipe-dream kind of hope that you aren’t even close to believing, right?

Yeah, it would probably get him right out if he just said “I am dictator for life”, but it was always just going to be “I won the election” and lawsuits.


Middle class tax cut and new healthcare plan also coming very soon!


Fifteen Days To End Democracy


It’s all just more shenanigans by the GOP. They support crazy old man trump crying foul, and then they refer back to it endlessly while Biden is president as a way to delegitimize him.

They have zero interest in pursuing any of this fraud nonsense. They are much more keen on setting up the next wave of obstruction. Screaming about nothing has been the GOP modus operandi for close to 20 years.

It’s all just public relations.

To be fair to Ingraham she said that Trump clearly lost and should concede and accept defeat.

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How many yards is election interference?
( twitter | raw text )


They never accepted Obama. It is what it is and not something to get worked up about.