The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I always know how highly respected somebody is when somebody has to preface their name with “highly respected”

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I don’t know, seems like Pompeo was joking there? Kinda funny to be honest.

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He was joking. It was one of those unfunny jokes though.

Sure, but then you’ve got idiots like that Rupar guy insisting that Pompeo was serious

It’s not a joke. Maybe it’s not precisely 100% serious, but it’s not a joke.


Can you describe the joke?

Are you saying it was like a “Trump is so wrong and ridiculous with this election thing, that I’m going to make a 100% sarcastic transition of power” comment?


It’s this:

And almost every single R is like, “yeah actually, I might be down with that…”


100% this. I said it in another thread. It’s a free roll. Either they’re stopped and they go haha JK! Or they get away with it.

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It’s also a jab at the media and the “libs.”

Yeah, it’s a joke in that he thinks it’s funny to watch the ants scramble when he stomps on their nest.

A Schrodinger’s cat joke?

I can describe the joke!

He’s cracking fun at himself and his image, basically saying what the lamestream media caricature of him as a Trump sycophant would say. I’m sure that some of you might find that a little on the nose since you do actually view him as a cartoonish Trump sycophant, but that’s the joke. What he says afterwards makes it clear that he doesn’t think that a second Trump administration is certain and that there’s a process of legal challenges and electoral college voting, and that leaves plenty of time for an effective transition when that wrangling has concluded.

So they say out loud it’s a second trump term, they’re acting like it’ll be a second trump term with planning february budgets and firing everyone who isn’t a full trump toadie now and we got people insisting no, they’re really joking.

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This, best case scenario is that Trump views this as a game of chicken where he has to be given something in exchange for stepping down and is trying to make his threat to stay more credible.

And of course SenorKeed loves it, games, he loves games, so entertaining!

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I don’t find the Pompeo clip that scary in isolation. He’s clearly been told he can’t say Trump lost. Reading between the lines a bit, he made a nod to the election process and said whoever is in office in January will be successful.

That said, all of this stuff cumulatively is pretty scary even if Trump fails to do the coup. The fact that we’re drawing live to some insane but unlikely outcomes here should alarm everyone.

No, I don’t think it’s a joke. It’s an involuntary laugh because he realises that what he says is ridiculous. He can’t say what he thinks he should without laughing. I think he laughs because of what you say, that it’s a silly idiot sycophant thing to say and he’s not a total dummy. But that’s not the same as cracking a joke.


Haha very funny mfer. At least keed finds Pompeo to be entertaining so there is that.

Obviously when you are in the middle of crisis where half the country is afraid of some sort of coup, and you work for Donald J. Trump, it’s funny to joke about it.

What is wrong with you? Seriously.


I don’t think that there is a coup in progress or a crisis.