The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

This is just birtherism 2.0. The D President is not legit because reasons.

Really Mitch Lyndsey Ted and Marco need to be


Walking up steps


Need Herman Cain in the left corner for even more epic gifness


I have no idea who that fan is but I hope somewhere along the way he got money out of being memed.


glad he made it out

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I almost made an epic Herman meme earlier, but I feel a tad squeamish on those jokes at the moment.

No, I don’t believe the US military is going to support liberals. I would be stoked to find out otherwise.

Meme away. Fuck him. He put himself in risk for no reason whatsoever. And he probably pozzed others.


You think Joe Biden is a liberal? I’d be sweating with you if the nominee wanted to cut funding to the military, but he’s as dc insider as you can get. The defense contractors already said on the record that they know and like Biden.

This is not close. The guns are on our side and we won the election. Settle in for the stupidest shit ever over the next ten weeks and accept that Trump’s tweets and the worldview of morons don’t matter for anything but the ga runoff, which is probably the only reason anyone is even bothering to play along. They tried to awkwardly play him off already but super awkwardly he won’t leave.

Best case scenario he turns his base against the gop for not keeping him in power, which again isn’t in their power at this point. Their line suggests that this is what they are scared of.

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many many tv commercials assured me joe biden is a puppet of radical left AOC/bernie who control the democrat party


Lol sure. He’s an Intel committee Democrat from the end of the cold war era.

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If only reality mattered in 2020.


The derpers appear to be jumping ship from
Fox and going to Newsmax in droves per social media.

We have Q people in congress now. The idea trump is the end of the crazy is wishful thinking.


on the one hand i want trump to bifurcate the party between serious conservatives and total morons. but on the other hand, i feel like that would result in trump winning 95% of the republican base and becoming even more fascist and effective at winning over more morons

The Lincoln Project and DNC collectively spent like $600 million trying to pick off “reasonable” Republicans and got zero votes. We all initially celebrated when Trump got the nomination. There isn’t a meaningful divide in the GOP, they’re the unabashed party of QAnon, white supremacy and fascism.


I don’t just mean ethically. You ever feel so uncomfortable beyond explanation that you just remove that from your list of options?

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An entire wing of American voters are mind-controlled by a deranged Nazi personality cult and the Dems are not remotely in a position to meet the challenge.


I mean it’s very very funny.