The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces



These people are so fucking cowardly. I want to punch Barr in his 5th chin.

The only problem with your plan is that you’re a freak who likes summer in Sacramento. You’re in British Columbia! One of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Also, think about global warming.


I don’t understand. If you are quitting in protest, isn’t the better move to stick around and just do nothing and move no investigations forward?


Yes Trump is 99% going to be forced out, but what is happening with the right is insanity. They will never accept this election and are completely done with democracy. Trump will be gone but that won’t stop the right from doing everything to seize power and not giving it up. Literally nothing will be off the table going forward in the name of seizing power.


Good. Hopefully they never vote again

lol you fucking think these psychos will just give up on seizing the power they’ve been drunk on?

They will elect crazier and crazier Republicans who promise to jail democrats, prevent fraud etc and just in general be insane authoritarian psychos.


And some people were telling me yesterday that nobody had a good reason to go after Trump.

He’s got them by the balls pretty good. Honestly I hope he wraps them around something large and ties it off.

He lost 60/40 with the military service members and the brass hate him. The courts can’t help him without totally destroying the system that keeps them viable in defiance of a reason.

They are desperately praying he doesn’t try to do something so bad they are actually forced to do something about it.

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If they give up on democracy, at least a small part will stop voting. We don’t need much of that happening for them to never be relevant again

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And the more insane their candidates get the less viable they will be. Trump is already at or beyond diminishing returns into negative territory.


The real question is how are WE going to keep our vote numbers up. We had the most hated man in our country’s history running and got massive turnout and that’s great, but how do we get people to keep showing up when the next Jeb runs?


Been telling all my Trump loving acquaintances who are convinced that Trump lost because of massive voter fraud that Dems are just better cheaters and to get over it because if they can pull this off then they will be much better at the running the country.

I actually see that look on their face like maybe I have a point. Fight stupid with more stupid


It seems fitting that NewsmaxTV has exactly the same level of competence and professionalism you would expect.


This isn’t funny when the next guy they stick in there goes right along with it. People need to stop resigning and start saying FUCK YOU or we are toast.

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Pass me the pipe man I need a good hit of whatever that shit is you’re smoking.

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Kimberly is going to move on to Daddy

They just got 70 million fucking votes

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Lol you don’t believe in the US military? I know it’s not a good use of taxpayer money, but it’s pretty real

Number of votes counted in PA arriving after Election Day used to declare Biden the winner:


  • the lame duck presidency of donald j trump
  • the lame cuck presidency of donald j trump

0 voters