The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

bovada has ignored the US DOJ for 10+ years but i feel like they’re going to take this very seriously when it comes to paying me my FUCKING money



I have no concerns at all about Biden not taking office, but I am fairly blackpilled on this. The GOP is demonstrating that it now considers anything other than GOP power illegitimate. They want to burn down the process. The hope was that this would end when Trump left office, but I now don’t think it will.


How did Barr’s probes before the election go? Relax everyone.

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I sure hope you’re right man. But this sounds an awful lot like when you told us to “let the system work” after the Trayvon Martin murder. (And I say that knowing you’ve changed personally quite a bit since then,)

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do you think barr is mad and disappointed that he isn’t locking up deep state democrats?

like he campaigned on fox news for this job, it seemed like. he took the job and seems like a true believer, but then he eventually found out that it was all fantasyland bs and locked himself in his basement

roflmaooooooooooo caligula

the mental breakdown is coming

Has Michael Moore come out and apologized for giving these cretins ammunition with his “I think Trump is going to win again” bullshit?



I mean, I certainly thought Zimmerman was going to be convicted and was shocked by the outcome, but comparing the results of a jury trial where juries do crazy shit all the time, and somehow overturning a 306-232 EC and 5 million + popular vote win do not seem at all comparable.


omarosa publicly trashed trump and the family, there’s 0.0% chance she knows any gossip

I’m hopeful Barr agrees and then just runs out the clock until the inauguration when he’s fired

Yeah, its more akin to nobody being found guilty of murder next year than one case. People on this forum are being paranoid.

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Really? I thought it was 100% he would be free. They should have charged him with manslaughter not murder 1 or whatever it was.

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I eagerly anticipate Trump’s next marriage to some complete psychopath (is Judge Jeanine single?)

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The transition of power requires a basic modicum of dignity and respect and adhering to norms. Do you see any fucking evidence of that?

She’s single malt