The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

This is the nature of political power. You have it if people think you have it. If they don’t, then you don’t.


Hi Everyone,

Remember on Tuesday night when everyone was panicking and Cuse and I told everyone to relax, we had this. Everyone relax, we have this. This train has left the station and Biden will be President on January 20, 2021. There is nothing that Trump can do or say that will change that. Everyone chillax.



( twitter | raw text )

I know this. It just sucks ass that it is very apparent that Rs have decided to go full steam ahead with crazy town and that every election going forward will continue to feel like life or death. The fever will never break.

( twitter | raw text )

“I can’t in good continence continue showing you this”. Is that what he said? “Good continence”? Like he was gonna shit his pants if he had to keep listening to Kayleigh? He meant to say good conscience…right?

( twitter | raw text )

Yup. It’s this. Biden will be the next President. The concerning thing is the fact a huge part of the right is going along with Trump’s bs. I don’t get it to be honest. He is donezo so what do they get out of it? Further de-legitimizing our elections is really really bad longer term.

Although I will say the two GA senators going full blown crazy town can’t hurt our side in the runoffs.

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Along with firing the Defense Secretary, if he fires the heads of the FBI and CIA, you could certainly make an argument that he is destabilizing national security. I’d like to think there would be something that would be a bridge too far for these Republican slappies, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.


It would be the funniest shit in the world if they enabled him all the way until the last 10 weeks when he finally tried to do something so disastrous they were forced to move against him or the world would end basically… and his base abandoned them forever.

If the writers like a happy ending I’m good with the stress as long as the big bad thing doesn’t actually happen. I’m pretty numb at this point I can do some more.

Countenance I believe


While this is upsetting, I think there is a good chance it could ultimately depress turnout in Georgia in January, and that could be a really really really really good thing

Please tell me that that is their actual twitter account and not just somebody who picked it up when the shit hit the fan

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Good point. I hadn’t even checked. It is definitely not their real twitter. Joined this month and profile pic is Trump yelling at the lawnmower kid.

Ha. I think continence is more appropriate really, but okay.

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My pony is probably incontinent and pooping himself but I’m not checking.


There are STILL dumbasses all over the place down here on street corners with their Trump flags. I guess they don’t want to give up those flags. Lol flags

Damn, it would be 1 billion times funnier if it was real

here the y come