The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Wait, Fox isn’t calling the election for Biden anymore?

That makes sense. I was about to retire my WAAF badge at least for a bit. Maybe I will wait.

If you really want to do darkest timeline fan fic, imagine that Trump becomes convinced that the oath of office for a new President can only be administered by the Chief Justice and he tries to detain Roberts and someone else gives the oath.

Overall, the presidential oath has been administered by 15 Chief Justices (one of whom—William Howard Taft—was also a former president), one Associate Justice, four federal judges, two New York state judges, and one notary public.

Fox is all in on the post facts world. It doesn’t matter if Biden win or lost, all that matters is what people feel about things. Some people feel Biden is President Elect, some other people feel Trump is Forever President in The Real America.


Does the coming Trump coup belong in this thread, the election thread, or the post-election thread?

Because I’m here for PANIC


Let’s be real. Politics is now war not diplomacy. Democracy is dying and the GOP has no qualms turning America into an autocratic state.

The GOP is not seen by enough people as the enemy but that’s what they are and they needed to be treated as such. If not, then Biden’s term is merely a speed bump on the way to fascism.


Not concerned. SCOTUS is overturning the results of 4 states.

(Paging @Narrator…)

amor fati!

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Other than a few tweets from a dumbass, did anything actually change that would have people panicking?

Yes, the tenor from their media machine and the actions of some prominent republican senators.

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The firing of Esper, too.

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You can add me to the “concerned” (tm Susan Collins 2016) camp. The entirety of the right wing will be behind the “fraud” bullshit in a few more days. If he fires powerful people and replaces them with loyalists, things can get pretty ugly in the near term, not to mention the long lasting negative effects this will have on democracy.

I’m not shook.

He can’t erode Democracy any more than he already has. He’s just doing his usual throw shit all over the room routine. He’s fundamentally powerless and he’s going to fucking leave. End of story.


I concur on the long-term effect, but hey, maybe that effect is the R’s stop voting.

I have no concerns about the outcome of this election. When even Fox News is dumping your big “election fraud” presser, you’ve lost.

Video in comments.


Damn nice :+1:



the cracks started to show when it came to the 100-plus service members who sustained traumatic brain injuries in Iran’s revenge attack on an Iraqi air base.

“No, I don’t consider them very serious relative to other injuries I’ve seen,” Trump said during a January press conference, comparing what he referred to as “headaches” to the aftermath of Iranian road side bombs, including “people with no legs and no arms.”

Esper assured that he had explained to the president that so-called mild traumatic brain injuries can have long-term, devastating effects.

“I’ve had the chance to speak with the president. He is very concerned about the health and welfare of all of our service members — particularly those who were involved in the operations in Iraq,” he said, though he did not elaborate on whether the talk came before or after Trump’s statements. “And he understands the nature of these injuries.”


Then he had his first public break with the president, who had ordered active-duty troops from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to assemble outside the D.C. area in case they were needed to put down violent protests.

“The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations,” Esper said, strongly countering the president’s threatening message. “We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act.”

The president was reportedly furious.


The other issue was the flying of the Confederate flag on DoD installations.

“So I thought I had a really clever way, creative way of addressing it,” he said.

“The principle is here, what’s consistent with our values. One of those values was … we don’t want a flag that was aligned with an organization that, you know, committed treason against the country."


Declining to clarify anything on the record was a purposeful strategy, Esper said.

“Imagine this: ‘Disregard what the president said. This is still the plan,’” Esper suggested. “Now, if I were the president, I’d say, ‘Really? Here you go. Here’s a written piece of paper. You’re coming home by December.’”

Esper’s explanation of his thought process loudly echoed the one laid out by former Homeland Security Department official Miles Taylor in an anonymous 2018 New York Times essay, in which he described members of Trump’s staff removing memos from his desk and otherwise trying to redirect the president’s attention in order to keep him from doing something rash.


The final body count included more than $25 billion in savings.


If Trump somehow ends up president again this country will burn.


On the one hand, good. On the other hand, approximately 1.8 million West-Wing-Brain’d resistance shitlibs just spontaneously orgasmed and will have A Duty To Speak Up for fucking Fox News for the entire rest of their lives.


it took an apparent electoral college loss to change their stance on airing presssec’s false claims with no evidence