The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

These fuckers have been waiting all weekend to see which way the wind blows and Trump the weatherman is still saying it’s FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD so FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD it is.



I assume I’m ponied on this but just in case:

each state administers its own election so he would need to get it to SCOTUS for multiple different states (remember Florida 2000 was specifically Florida, over 537 votes). Any given state has a very low probability of this happening, the odds of it happening for multiple states and going his way are ~0.

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shit she really is going to be nominated for ag isn’t she?

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someone had this as +300 on this prop. Really a shame the max bet was $25, a real goddamn shame.

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also, the military leadership hates him. It has been a theme that no one is coming to save us wrt overruling Trump on his bullshit, and I agree that’s true, but it also seems very unlikely that the military does anything but respect the transfer of power to Biden on January 20. And once we start entertaining these highly unlikely “what if” scenarios, that is the most important piece.

Every Trump fan reading the Biden statement: “Fucking egghead sounds like every politician, no idea what he’s sayin’ with all those words. Why can’t we just have a president who tells us what’s good and bad?!”

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I forget. Where does “worried” fall on the concern spectrum?

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He’s wasting precious time. It’s gonna be awesome when he wastes all his lame duck period tweeting and forgets to pardon everyone


Somebody is going to have to put some big boy pants on or we are royally fucked.

but they don’t have to say no, that’s my point. Biden is president on Jan. 20 and the military will take orders from him.

It’s completely absurd how long the lame duck period is in this country.


This is an argument that the news networks should have waited longer to call the election.

Who appoints the people that do the swearing in? You are not concerned that this manchild is going to fire anyone not willing to do his dirty work? Like he can’t find a handful of scumbags to head up the armed services, CIA, and FBI?

Seems clear to me we are fucking fucked and none of this is funny any more.

we’re talking past each other, luckily it’s on something we can predict and empirically examine in a few months time.

prediction: on January 20 the United States military will begin taking orders from Joe Biden.

what is your prediction?

Do you or anyone else want to speculate what the actual ramifications of all of this is? Firing people and putting your stooges in with 70 days to go seems like it has limited possible consequence to me and is more likely to just be Trump lashing out at all the people who he perceives as failing him.

My baseless speculating is that he is ordering them to “do evil unpatriotic shit” and they are refusing and he is going to replace them with scumbags that will do it. Hope I’m wrong, but the fact that Fox and other right wing media have done an about face and we have US Senators calling on the resignation of a SOS because they don’t like how the vote turned out scares the shit out of me.


Is Mitch the most powerful R in the country right now? Did Barr go to Mitch to plead Trump’s case or to tell him how it’s going to be? Or do they see the writing on the wall and they’re just working side-deals?

And until 83 years ago the lame duck was even longer. FDR locked up his first election November 8, 1932 and didn’t get sworn in until March 4 the next year.

Who knows but unless their media machine throttles down I’m going to continue assuming the worst about these human pond scum.

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