The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

So this is going to come down to the military, basically…


Why do they want the SOS to resign?

Remember how we all thought that the instant Trump lost the rats would flee the ship? Remember how those pearls were being clutched because AOC wants a database of who used to support Trump?

Yeah… those rats are digging in and AOC doesn’t need the database, she can just point at the pile of rats and say “there be rats”.


He challenged the idea that GA’s elections were somehow fraudulent, stolen, etc.


I think the SOS oversees elections. They need ro resign because they are obviously not willing to steal it for Trump.


Because he made a statement that there were no indications of problems with Georgia’s election. Since Biden won, obviously that’s not an acceptable thing to say.

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Insert stooge


Trump wins by 2,000,000 votes in Georgia

( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

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This is completely baseless I assume?

Turtle currently doing some A+ trolling of both Democrats and Trump

Not saying Biden won, because of course

STRAIGHT :clap:IN :clap: TO :clap: MY :clap: VEINS

but might be back next weekend


They’re claiming that covering the windows, with the observers INSIDE, prevented them from watching the count.


Ha ha morons.

Yes, countless (pun!) observers have confirmed that there were plenty of observers and even the Trump campaign’s own attorneys admitted it in court.

Additionally, in one interview last week about Trump’s lawsuits, the PA AG said that the one Trump “won” was them simply asking to have the observers move from 10 feet away to 6 feet away.

Literally every single accusation and lawsuit is bullshit.


I probably shouldn’t be surprised but I am seeing a concerning amount of the right wing machinery line up behind this ELECTION FRAUD ELECTION STOLEN narrative that is just not based in reality. I was down to 0% worry over the weekend when it seemed like even Fox News was accepting reality and am still not that worried about the ultimate outcome but I am starting to feel very worried about the damage this is doing to our longer term democracy. All we need is for the right wing to get even more detached from reality.



His legal team is comprised of babies that think you have disappeared if you put your hands over you face. WHERE DID YOU GO


I mean nobody with any self respect or future earning potential was going to do it. I’m not saying that there are no abusive bosses who are good at their job, that’s obviously not true, but I am saying that if you’re an abusive asshole you are successful in spite of it rather than because of it.

Imagine being any competent person near Trump. This moron is going to ask for your advice, not like it, do what he wanted, and then scream at you until he gets bored. You couldn’t pay me enough money at this point in my career. I probably would have taken it for the money when I needed the money badly, but today I’d tell you what to put where the first time you did that and if you did anything but collapse like a house of cards I’d never see you again. Actually I’d have done that since poker first made me independent of an employer.

“He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.” – John Kelly in 2018 before anything truly insane had even happened yet by 2020 standards.

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It’s going to take a while to get used to a President speaking in full sentences again.