The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Yeah this one more people have seen than my reference. Did you mean to imply the same end for Trump as Denzel?

I definitely think there is a small chance, simply seeing the rights reaction. Just the fact that the entire right is now uniting around that there was fraud, I’m less confident that the supreme court won’t find some random reason to toss out a bunch of votes now.

When your entire ideology is pushing for something, I absolutely don’t trust this court regardless of whether there is something there or not.

Edit: Read Chris responses and I’m a more confident. Just kinda shook how insane the entire right wing is. I mean I knew they were, but god damn they flipped to everyone, even elected leaders, saying its fraud.

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I think only like 50% of the right is pushing fraud, if that, and that’s not enough. The SCt is set for a generation, they are not going to self-immolate for some clown spouting bullshit.

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I mean who is pushing back now? All the voters I know are pushing fraud, everyone online, I see lots of elected Republicans pushing it now.

Because the voters are saying it’s fraud, that kind of forces everyone to go along.

GWB for one, international allies, nonpolitical institutions, the news side of Fox, etc. Trump is 0-10 in court so far. Don’t let local deplorables mindfuck you, most have given up.


Yeah like if it was just one state that decided the election I’d be nervous of scotus fuckery. That being said I am nervous of scotus fuckery for the next generation


Good tweet thread.


Yeah I don’t think Rupert or the GOP is going to let Trump do it. The fact that Trump can refuse to concede and claim fraud… And that that action forces lots of GOP politicians+ media to parrot him is one of the reasons I think they don’t lift a finger to help him survive post election.

He’s worth a lot to them as a martyr right now and is huge liability alive. He stole their base and will run off with it if they let him.

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( twitter | raw text )

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Stock market up big the first trading day after the election was called?


His brain is broken.

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It was going to be up today anyway, but the huge spike is on the vaccine news.

Nothing launches my lawnmower more than disingenuous (read: most) politicians talking about the “economy.”

Gee I wonder who he’ll blame if the stock market goes the other direction for a few days.

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I think they should buy Four Seasons Landscaping, leave everything on the outside the same, and put the Trump Presidential Library inside it. The smallest saddest presidential library there is.

I’ll still take my future kids there and pay 20 bucks for the entry fee to go look at all the Trump memorabilia with them and tell them the story of how our Democracy came within a pubic hair of straight up dying. Hopefully I’ll have more to say then.


One giant card catalog of Trump’s tweets.

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Fox News web site this am


Hes grasping at straws, like maybe if the vaccine comes out before Jan 21 it can be branded as the Trump Vaccine and people will like him.

I would argue none of them did ANYTHING with trump prior to his presidency and will return to that level once he is gone. His only real usefulness is bald faced grifting of the right. Really rich people prefer a bit more nuance.

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