The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

LOL he’s completely half-assing it. No-effort retweets of sycophants, refusing to put in the work right to the end.


I’m used to the president-elect having an enormous amount of power for their anticipated agenda, but this feels an awful lot like Biden has already assumed the office.


low energy! sad!

Anyone watch his 8 pm ranting?

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Someone else will suffer that for me.

Nope. And it doesn’t look like Rupar live blogged it either.

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I really don’t get the ‘powerful enemies’ talk. Just like pre-2016, the Trumps will barely exist to people like Murdoch and Bezos. They have no reason to bother to hurt them.

If a deal with the family makes money, they’ll do business with them; if it doesn’t, they won’t.

Feels good to not even have to post the DIDNT WATCH LOL meme.


Oh dude… Those rich people are just people. People who have the resources to do anything they want just for fun. They’re the most thin skinned people in the whole world. That’s what naturally happens when you’re the real center of your own world.

These people love love love to feud. Almost every action of every single one is secretly about their own ego. When you have more than a certain amount of money the only reason to get more is to boost your own ego. And that’s just one example.

But what they love to do most is make money. What is their incentive to do anything to Trump? What did Trump even do to them to earn their revenge? Murdoch gave him a gabillion dollars, even after Trump’s tantrums about not getting enough from him. People like him are disciplined enough to keep Trump around in case a new money-making opportunity arises in the future.

Where are you getting this insight into the minds of these oligarchs? I’m getting mine from how they actually act. Which is as the petty tyrants of their own reality who did not like groveling in front of Trump.

I’m sorry man your argument is that these people are one dimensional profit maximizers. They aren’t that any more than anyone else. They like nice things, care about their families, and when severely irritated they like a good feud that ends in some revenge. We all have fantasies about it, and what good is having a billion dollars if not to indulge in fulfilling a fantasy every now and then.

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I assume it wasn’t him ranting, but just some Fox blowhard. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a clip of him being on Levin’s show - he just posts clips of the show and tells the cultists to watch.

i’d be a little sore if some fan of this moron who thinks we’re enemies cost me 50 billion dollars in a divorce

OK then I have two questions:

  1. What did he do to them that they’re so angry about? (Make them grovel to him? Throw tantrumps™ at Murdoch for only giving him 100MM dollars? Yip at Bezos’s ankles?)

  2. What are they going to do to Trump? (Refuse to do business with him? Ice him out of high society? Work to ruin him financially–beyond what he’s already done to himself? Kill him?)

Bonus question: Does the punishment extend to his family?


The reply should be that it is normal about down ballot bubbles being left blank. And if it was so easy to cheat at voting then Republicans would be way better at it then lazy liberals.

We know cheating at voting is hard to pull off because Republican get caught all the time!

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Rudy is so going to jail

Impossible to not watch this and laugh :joy:

( twitter | raw text )

LOL Fox video cliffs:

“We all deserve answers.”

“To what?”

“To our questions.”

“We have questions?”

“Didn’t you just ask one?”

“…did I?”