The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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“hoax” sounds reaaaally stale

Can’t make this, unfortunately. At that time I’ll be meeting with my wife to discuss the I Never Pick Up My Clothes Hoax!


You scoff. But no one’s seen anything like it.

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Some takeaways from that video.

He is correct that Republicans maintained their hold on the House/Senate because voters mistakenly do not see Trump/the GOP as the same thing. They voted for Republicans in House/Senate races but bit a bullet voting against Trump out of practicality.

On the flip side, Democrats mistakenly assume that because what Trump represents about the GOP is so obvious, Republicans must see this and just not care. But they truly don’t share the same perspective on this. The facts don’t speak for themselves. They still believe the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and freedom, not realizing the party’s leaders discarded those values long ago.


Will Pelosi maintain her position as Speaker of the House?

Kevin McCarthy: “To become Speaker, you have to have 218 votes on the floor. When she went up for that vote two years ago, fifteen Democrats voted against her. Ten of those will be returning to Congress. If those ten vote against her, she will not be Speaker of the House because she won’t have 218 because of the gains of Republicans. We’re close enough now that we can control the floor with a few Democrats joining us.”


I’m sure he’s terrified

the ballots that gave the gop house gains are real rofl

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On the other hand, I agree with I believe it was Teh Weeds when they said the GOP desperately wants to be the Democratic party–philosophers serving corporate interests–but they keep finding that their voters are overwhelmingly deplorable.

The local laundry mat was unavailable, so no.

Apparently the Mandarin Oriental Fluff and Fold had a kid’s birthday party.


Judge: “Do anything you have to, to find those ballots and get them delivered, anything.”

Doofus donor: “You didn’t say to stop our normal business to find these ballots! Unfair!”

Lawbros are all “judge Sullivan is so tough” lololol gtfo

The claim in the derposphere is targeted fraud is easier to hide, and that there are hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots with only Biden chose, no congressional races.

Yeah, GG and all, but the problem is that the people voting against Pelosi weren’t the “progressive” dems, they were the blue dogs.


AOC heavily implied that Biden’s people >>>>>>>>>> Nancy. I’m down for a more moderate leader it they are practical and willing to let every branch of the party flourish, rather than Nancy whose first priority is to snuff out any potential threat to her power.

Plus 1000 bonus points if the moderate knows how to build a competent digital operation.

The Rs welcome Qanon into their caucus w/ open arms and our folks are handwriting about AOC+4. SMH


Nah, I think Boredsocial is calling it correct. The mega wealthy (Gulfstream corporate jet wealthy) will put all the kids on permanent ignore. Power at their level is maintained by their social networks. The wealthy won’t even explicitly “do” anything. But the kids will grow increasingly dismayed when their calls aren’t answered, someone else gets the job, or the real estate deal or whatever. It’s cold when you are being frozen out.

Woah, Phaeroe Monch came out of retirement?

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Polonium 210 is a helluva drug.

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Nope. Don Jr. has the pear shape, not the apple shape. Pears spend their lives seething with powerless rage. Now, apples, they get shit done. He’s a total pear.

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