The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Investigators Dispatched


Yeah this is pretty weak. I mean his response to watching him lose in real-time was to tweet STOP THE COUNT. Sounds like something a child would say when you count how much Monopoly money you have compared to him.

Now all he’s doing is quoting people and posting Breitbart articles. He wants to put up the appearance of being tough and fighting back while secretly wanting to lose.

Honestly, I expect him to spend most of his lame duck period sulking and suing states to try and get votes thrown out in a desperate attempt to win.

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if pharaoh is your thing (and why wouldn’t he be), he had an album coming out this week “th1rt3en”…

here’s the teaser… :flushed:

really, everyone should watch it. it’s only 50 seconds and it’s semi-relevant to 2020 i guess…


While the damage Trump could do by refusing to leave could be awful, I gotta admit it would be awfully satisfying to watch the video fo him being frogmarched out.


I don’t think that would be that damaging. The real damage is going to come from him undermining the validity of the count and the election between then and now. We already see the right wing media falling in behind that narrative after, what, maybe twelve hours where they what on him for losing? The Republican world is going to accept and internalize the bullshit narrative that this election was stolen by massive fraud and use that as justification for using even more anti-democratic tactics in the future.


Honestly thats not even something I had thought about but you’re 100% correct. The right will 100% accept this was stolen and use that to justify any and all actions in the future. It’s honestly terrifying. Nothing will be off the table in the future because even the politicians will use this going forward.

Man this is going to be super fucked.

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Is the issue that the USPS didnt deliver all the submitted ballots? Because I bet that’s the issue

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Every state helps diminish this effect. Root hard for AZ and GA to hold.


Eh… isn’t the inevitable result of “the deep state is faking all of the voting” just… deplorables stop voting?

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Yeah I don’t see how this isn’t some of them.

Yeah, I agree, Trump incessantly pounding election fraud for the next two months may be our best shot at taking the Senate.


The only justification they need for all manner of fuckery is “this is how we win.” It’s a game to them. Previously the only rule was “don’t get caught,” but the past 50 years have taught them that even getting caught is not that bad–take 6-12 months off and come back as strong as ever. Their behavior under “the election was stolen from us” is exactly the same as under “the election was not stolen from us.”

Is there some kind of press conference from some of Trump’s lawyers going on now?



Currently watching FOX and I see nothing.

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( twitter | raw text )

Any network that carries this should be ashamed of themselves.

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Speak of the devil. See y’all at 8:00 :popcorn: