The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


… lots of verbal abuse and them they go looking for someone else? Sounds fine to me.

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I’d be okay if it was that minimal. Rarely is in my experience.


OC is the nut low of coastal CA.

I have had a couple beers but what fucking thread is what right now?


I am actually a little surprised he hasn’t run for the Senate yet. He seems interested in getting into politics and there must have been some open Republican seats in safe states for him to go after. Does anyone believe someone named Donald Trump would have lost a primary in one of the Dakotas for example?
( twitter | raw text )


do we think Donald Sr actually campaigns with Junior if he ran for pres? No fuckin way right?

Haha i think i know where that is. Cheers

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General election and transition (even that which includes Trump) goes in the election thread.

Narrowly focused Trump dunks go itt.

Personally, I post in whichever one has the most traffic as I complete a new meme.


Sr. holds campaign rallies where he lets Jr. talk for like 2 minutes. Spends the rest of the time talking about how he was such a great President and got cheated out of a second term.

It is interesting Ivanka carries several big negatives that impacted Hillary.

Presidential post election lame duck should be like two week notice. Not mandatory, feel free to GTFO now.

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“Long history of election problems” doesn’t really counter you only getting 8% of the vote in Detroit.

Joe Rogan?

Because he owns part of Onnit and is also one of his primary sponsors. He has been pushing alpha brain and related products forever.

Joe Rogan is the nightmare factory worst case scenario for their candidate yeah.

Not going to lie, when I got a congratulatory letter from Jimmy Carter as a yute, I never thought I would be calling the president of the United States “Big Dummy” on something called “Twitter”, yet here we are.


( twitter | raw text )

Finally, I can correctly throw some hip hop into a mainstream thread!

Chuck D and Talib as well, and @Trolly: there’s a Pharoah Monche sighting!

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