The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Lol those tweets.


Love from a…


Here’s a picture, for the rest of the world.


Those look like Mallomars.

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Exactly. Except that Mallomars aren’t individually wrapped, so fat Americans can eat them by the fistful, as God intended.


It says “chocolate mallo…” on the wrapper.

Trump is already more popular than le Pen’s lot have ever been in France.

Looks like a candy from 1890!

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Well yeah he actually won the presidency.

Agree on Ivanka.

Disagree on Don Jr. I think he looks the part just fine and has plenty of delusional self-assuredness.


“If Trump loses power he’ll spend his last 90 days wrecking the United States like a malicious child with a sledgehammer in a china shop,” said Malcolm Nance, a veteran intelligence analyst and political author, speaking before the result of the election was known.

“We’re likely to see the greatest political temper tantrum in history. He may decide he wants to go out with a bang, he may decide he will not accept the election result. Who knows what a cornered autocrat will do?”

Trump will soon lose the protection of Bill Barr, the attorney general whom critics have accused of acting like the president’s personal lawyer. That means Trump has a shortening window of opportunity to prepare for whatever legal consequences may await.

“He’s a compromised person, a broken asset of a foreign power, and has been under the thrall, the pay, or most likely the debt of Vladimir Putin,” Nance said. “Anything which benefits him personally, anything that benefits what he believes is his brand, he will do.”

Not all experts believe a Trump “lame duck” presidency will be completely volatile. “What will stop him is fear of prison,” Stuart Stevens, a veteran Republican consultant, told Salon.

“Why has the postmaster general kind of backtracked?” Stevens asked of Louis DeJoy, the Republican donor who many believe was installed in an attempt to cripple the mail-in vote. “He does not want to go to jail. He’s willing to do a lot of stuff for Trump, but he didn’t want to go to jail. That fear is what would stop Trump.”

Ultimately, Trump will spend his final days in the White House trying to avoid looking like a loser or a failure, analysts say.

“I’ve had a lot of experience with autocrats, despots and third-world potentates, so I got to see how these people behave,” Nance said.

“There’s been a change in the way autocrats and wannabe autocrats like Donald Trump have ended their careers. In the old days, if you weren’t killed by your political foes, you took a billion dollars, went off to the French Riviera, and disappeared. They just went off the stage.

“Now they no longer want to do that. They want to have all of their money and remain in power, and spend the money. Who knows with Donald Trump?”

I really don’t think Trump is going to do anything insane. They’d totally end him, right?


I mean based off his super low energy half ass attempt to fight this shit, I don’t think he will do anything either. I thought he was prior to the election. But seems pretty clear dude has given up and this is all an act so he can say he won and was cheated.

I was on team Trumps gonna lose his shit and burn it all down, but I fully expect him to just disappear for 3 months and tweet dumb shit and play golf.

If he was going to burn it all down he’d be raging right now, he seems like a sad boy instead. Just pathetic and weak.


It would still be one of the better things to happen in 2020.

I don’t really care, do you?



Hopefully Joe doesn’t pardon anyone and let’s them fight for the air that’s left, let them hang themselves and round them up as it happens & point to all the twitterverse when they inevitably say that we need to come together…

Ask everyone for a handwritten apology and the pardons will go through, read on live TV.

Oh look here… Some bumfuck from Florida is still saying “Fraud elections” see we need them all to appoligies 1st.

RIP Alex Trebek.




She’s an atrocious public speaker and has zero charisma. Lincoln Project will have their work cut out for them trying to prop her up. I just don’t see it happening, but PR is a hell of a manipulation tool. They could work just as hard over the next twenty to elevate our perception of Ivanka as they did to sabotage the perception of Hilary.

Damn man, the more I try to argue against you, the more I agree :flushed: