The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

For what, do you think? President? Even Congress or state legislature, I just don’t see it. I think she’d have done that in the last four years if she was going to.
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She’ll run for pres as a dem in 2028 or 2032 against the republican nazi incumbent. Perfect compromise. It’s so important that we get weedbonerhitler420 out of the white house we need someone who can attract republicans. She probably won’t win because lol dems.


I’m pretty sure he gets SS protection for the rest of his life.

Rotfl. I’ll snap take your action against her running as a dem.


No, I don’t think this. I don’t think Trump sees the inside of a jail cell even if convicted. Financial crimes in NY do not have mandatory minimums. Only violent felonies, some sex offenses, and some really high level drug trafficking type felonies do.

Let me know where to send the $10. You’re muscling in on Jmans action though he has first denial.

Yeah. With all due respect, the chances of this happening are below zero. Like we really want Jared Kushner being “first man” in the White House. If Democrats had their own version of Qanon and were hopelessly gullible, then she might have a chance. You have to give us a little more credit than that. Don’t you?

Lol. You do not need to ship me $10. I said 100 percent sure, not 99. If Ivanka is ever the democratic nominee for president I will ship you $1,000. Booked.


Rotfl. Agree it’s this much of a lock. She wouldn’t exceed 5% in a single dem primary let alone get the nomination. Just pure fantasy stuff.

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Ivanka as a future Democratic Party nominee for president???

Is this real life? What on earth are we talking about here?

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iow they lack the charisma that people look for when voting.


If John Cougar Mellencamp ever wins an Oscar…


I’m pretty sure if she called Mexicans rapists she could get enough deplorables to register as Dems in a red state primary to snag 5%. (And no I don’t think she’s running, but if she did.)

Well now that I’ve booked a freeroll, I will say that I think the dems will continue to drift rightwards trying to fully capture the $100,000 to $400,000 a year families in the suburban professional class, the GOP will dwindle away to the party of the 20million pure CHUDs and (hopefully) a new left wing party will eventually emerge. If the Dems continue as the party of GOP - 8 years I’m in good shape. I’ll still book 500-1 with clovis if he likes (I’ll send right now) but I’ll stop talking about it in thread.

He does, but that’s mostly for protection from random crazies not a collection of plutocrats with a combined resources greater than the GDP of the UK, the entire US civil service, and again god knows what else.

Look, as a framework ‘lol the rich people never get consequences’ is pretty good and nearly always works. In this case though it’s bumping into a more narrow but massively more consistent framework ‘the oligarchs always get what they want’.

I’m not saying he’s going to get assassinated or anything. I’m saying that if there really wasn’t a better way to get at him they’d strongly consider going there and could make it happen. This isn’t a conspiracy theory either, these people are probably racing to get him.

The NY AG is still the clear favorite here. They can theoretically grab him the second Biden is sworn in. I think they better hurry though because Trump is going to be in the process of magically fading the first five major threats 36 hours after he’s not the POTUS anymore.

At minimum effort these people can make sure he can’t earn anymore and that all of his stuff gets foreclosed on in pretty short order. If they can’t do that Trump says yes to everything so luring him into a ruinous business deal with absolutely no hope would be trivially easy.

If he goes to prison he probably gets straight up tortured to death. Prison is a place where money can make things happen. Epstein didn’t kill himself after all.

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Oh I think (and am hoping like hell) that the legal system goes after him. I’m just saying straight up assassination isn’t happening.

And the reason it probably isn’t happening (I still think he’s drawing very live if nothing else works) is because there are tons of better ways to get him that are way slower and more fun to watch. I take back what I said about him being tortured to death in prison. They probably just ship him to ‘protective custody’ somewhere really unpleasant and lock him in a room by himself until he dies. If he has a release date and is somehow still breathing, that’s the day he gets Epstein-ed.

I really think a lot of people here are underestimating what this dude has done and to whom. We aren’t the only people who lived through the last 4 years… so did the powerful, and when you had an empire to lose Trump probably caused you a lot of unnecessary stress. Plus the guy is a hugely destabilizing influence on the world. A world you own a great big chunk of.

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