The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I think the only reason he isn’t already fucked is that he got out of that underwater building through corruption. I think Jared has made almost as many enemies as his father in law. He’s not as rich as he pretends to be, he’s bad at business, and he has super powerful enemies. People get fucked hard for way less.

Oh and him and his friends turned the COVID response into an opportunity to grift and 200k people died, which I have a hard time believing doesn’t put him in some significant legal trouble.

The shield that is preventing all of these people from experiencing the reality of what they have done is the power of the office. That’s it. They have nothing else to use once that’s gone. It’s why Trump looked so miserable on his way back from the golf course after everyone called it. He’s stupid, but he’s not stupid enough to not realize what happens next. He grew up around organized crime after all.

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lol me but I have a fantasy where Chuck and Nancy get an audience with Orange and remind him that he’s been used by Turtle for 4 years and has absolutely nothing to show for it. But if he does X, Y and Z on the way out the door they’ll “promise” to have his back come January.

not sure what X, Y or Z should be tbh. just that someone should try and leverage his pain for the good guys for once.


Sounds like the concession should be coming any day now.


This is absolutely what I’d do in their shoes. I’d then snap double cross him the instant he left office.


Ivanka will run as a Dem at some point.

I have found zero evidence that this quote exists.

Guess he’s watching FOX News though.

I’ve heard that before.

I’m not completely convinced all his new voters were just anti lockdowns/masks. I was saying before the election he got a ton of new voters who don’t pay attention to politics but are all in on the culture war. He’s got all the conspiracy theorists now and that is a big crowd.

There was a ton of people who didn’t really care about politics in 2016 that were activated by politics being forced into their lives 24/7. Politics was literally everything for 4 years. Everyones timeline was politics, reddit was politics, instagram was politics, TV was politics.

Maybe some of them go away, and even if a large amount were activated for OFB, a lot of them will have been consuming right wing media and now adopt those views.

I feel like the GOP base just grew massively and its terrifying. And the dems still out here not spending fucking money on digital, these old ghouls who haven’t updated with the times are going to fuck us.

If Trump runs in 2024 and is relatively healthy and high energy and Mitch prevents Biden from doing anything for 4 years… Biden will be 82 and he will actually care about his job and age a ton.

Depending on how the Biden presidency shakes out I would be very scared of facing Trump again, much more so than some cookie cutter Republican who won’t turn out people for the culture war.

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I agree with every part of this post until you get to the part where Trump runs again in 2024. I’m not scared of Trump, I’m scared of someone else using his gameplan to much better effect.

If Trump wasn’t a moron he would be most of the way to president-for-life at this point… but he’s an old moronic man with a lot of enemies. They’ll find someone who sells vitamins for a living or something to run and he’ll finish us off.


This is a hot take but I don’t see how someone uses Trump’s “game plan”. He didn’t have a game plan, other than populism, which is hardly unique.

His presidency was pure cult of personality. You simply can’t replicate a cult of personality.

Will the GOP pump the racist popularism? Of course, but that was happening without Trump and is the playbook of the right worldwide right now.


One easy way he can make 100m+ is to sell his endorsement and rallies to GOPers running in the ‘22 primaries.

The guy who sells vitamins is unfortunately very charismatic and genuinely good at marketing in addition to being a totally soulless grifter. I don’t have a specific person in mind but there are several.

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Actually, his tweets are getting milder. I think it’ll be a few weeks, but he’s giving up eventually.

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There are few things in this life I am 100 percent certain of. But one thing I am is that she couldn’t win a dem primary for town highway superintendent anywhere in America.


I don’t know if he will run again, just pointing out IF he did it would be scary as shit. I think its probably unlikely too just because of his health and all the problems he will be dealing with, but its absolutely not something we want.

The good news is you don’t just use Trumps gameplan. A huge part of Trumpsim was a cult of personality. Trump is one of the most unique human beings on the planet and you can’t just copy that. Uneducated white males are going to turn out in huge numbers for anyone currently in the Republican circles using the Trump gameplan.

It is very unlikely we get another cult leader like Trump soon. But they still might beat us because they’re better at politics and they grew their base of hating liberals.

All in all I have no idea what the future will hold, but I’m way less optimistic than I was that the future was ours after their turnout.

I actually agree with this. There are enough people in his orbit that he listens to (primarily Kushner/Ivanka) that know the jig is up and want to get back to grifting and brunch in NYC. Those voices are going to win out over the fanatical fight to the end types (Miller, Rudy, etc.).


Philadelphia and Detroit had over 100 million mail in ballots? Biden should have gotten more than 80 million votes cointry wide then, SAD


Trust me, I wish it were going to happen, but guys seriously, you think the wealthy white family is really going to rot away in prison for the rest of their lives for white collar crimes? Not enough lols in the world for that one, unfortunately.


I’ll send you $10 right now if you agree you’ll ship me $5000 if Ivanka is ever the democratic party nominee for president. She’s exactly the core demographic that they’re looking to attract (rich republicans who know the right words to say). She will be the perfect compromise candidate in their eyes.


When Trump won in 2016, he was the outlier in a really large field of run-of-the-mill Republicans. There were a bunch of them. Cruz, Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, Christie and more. They splintered the standard Republican vote and allowed Trump to gain traction.

I can picture the same thing happening in 2024, but with a different cast of characters. Imagine if a bunch of junior deplorables like Gym Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Tom Cotton, Ron DeSantis and others run for the nomination, and maybe just one moderate runs as well. Maybe the deplorables cancel each other out and the moderate emerges as the nominee.