The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Has Trump even thanked any of his supporters for voting for him? I too have a hard time picturing him conceding, especially in a manner which attempts to pull the country together. If there is a concession, it will come with a pledge for even more divisiveness moving forward. The guy is straight up mentally unfit. And 70 million people voted for him? Not sure how we’re going to fix that.

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Plus Ivanka sounds like she went to all the prep schools and spent a lot of time horseback riding. It’s weird that Donald being too dumb to pick up upper class vocabulary and his insanely strong back of the schoolbus energy made him so appealing to lower class whites. Ivanka will never ever connect with those people which means she has zero shot in the primaries. Those people are who got her dad over the finish line.

Also I know a lot of you think Donald is going to skate, but I maintain that his luck is about to take a sudden turn for the massively worse when he leaves office. He’s made some really serious enemies. First up is Rupert Murdoch who has a 35B reasons to want Donalds bloated corpse to be found in the trunk of a car at the bottom of a body of water. And that’s just one insanely powerful obviously evil billionaire with strong business reasons to do something about Donald, there are tons of powerful people who would love to do something similar to him for free. I think he’s the most fucked person on planet earth. Normally people like Donald Trump don’t have the opportunity to be a personal enemy to the German and Canadian heads of state, the biggest oil company in the world, the entire US intelligence community, the entire US military brass, Jeff Bezos, and god knows who else. The guy really is incredibly talented at pissing people off. If he was literate and wanted to personally write a book about how to ruin friendships and infuriate people I’d read it.

Most people are smart enough to show some respect when they are interacting with people who have absolutely absurd amounts of power. Those people don’t have NPD. Those powerful people have huge planet sized ego’s and take any bruising of that ego as a personal challenge to their self image. To make the books balance emotionally they have to do something about it. That was any bruising. It’s a mortal lock that Trump made a lot of these people grovel and scrape in front of the immense power of his office. Now that he doesn’t have that office…


Dude, he might not even be alive in 4 years let alone physically able to run for president again.

If he somehow gets the nod the odds of him dying in office are against him. Look at how much he declined during his first term. Waiting for four years and then going through another four as president will almost certainly kill him.

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If there are any more briefings coming from Press Sec Barbie, media needs to 100% troll the entire time. Ask if the healthcare plan is still coming in two weeks. Ask what the president feels like being a loser after he said he was tired of winning so much. Ask if he’s thought about what facility he would request of sent it prison.


Still no tweets?

In the bunker with cyanide?

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He’s not smart enough to take the easy way out. It’s what I’d do if I were him… mostly telling myself that it would hopefully protect my kids. In reality it would just be to avoid letting other people decide what my end should look like and not having to face what I had done to my own family.

Seriously the Trump kids + Melania are going to have a fucking terrible rest of their lives. Now that it’s all over I feel weirdly sorry for all of them. I know what it’s like to live your life in a Narc’s reality distortion field… and my narc wasn’t born a billionaire lol. Not Melania ldo. She had tons of options for rich dudes to marry and picked Donald. I’ll never understand why.


Lame duck
I am pretty worried about what Trump can do in the next few months. My estimates are something like this,

Pardons everyone around him with any federal exposure-95%

Pardons himself -100%

SCOTUS upholds his self pardon-85%

Begins selling and trading state secrets for personal gain- 75%

SCOTUS judge retires to appoint new 40 year old- 60%

Guts regulatory infrastructure by firing tons of people- 85%

Call for violence in the streets- 70%

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Melania? Yes. But the Trump kids are always going to be palling around with millionaires and billionaires getting money that they don’t deserve.

Ivanka no doubt will run for president at some point and become the first female president in American history. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Ivanka vs. Kamala in 2024.

Doubtful imo.

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Agree with the whole post. I also think his antics over the next 10 weeks make it much harder to sell the ‘let’s just pretend that didn’t happen to heal the country’ approach.


See my post in election thread. :grin:

Ivanka’s husband is going to go bankrupt and spend the rest of his days in a cell in <36 months. The rest of the Trump kids are going to face weird barriers every time they try to do anything for the rest of their lives. Daddy’s enemies are not normal people enemies. One of the least dangerous major enemies he’s made is fucking Jeff Bezos.

Nobody with anything much to lose is going to want to be anywhere near them once the suffering starts. The kinds of enemies their dad made see collateral damage as a messaging problem.


She’s basically a feminine version of her father. She believes the same things but is smart enough not to say them out loud like Donald does. No doubt in the future she will shape white supremacy into something more palatable and popular the exact same way Marine Le Pen did with National Front in France.


I’m not so sure. The Trump kids couldn’t even get a franchise hotel deal from some mom and pops in Alabama. And that was while their dad was the most powerful person in the world.

Who’s giving them millions of dollars when they have no connections to power?


The entire Trump family is super incompetent. They are going to be tabloid fodder for 2-5 years and we’ll never hear about them ever again after that. And that’s their best case scenario where I totally misunderstand how the world works wrt the pettiness and spitefulness of the powerful… but I’m pretty confident that they’re very petty, very spiteful, and if pushed far enough quite sadistic.

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Lol, no.


The Trump family isn’t going anywhere politically. People are more loyal to him than the party itself. Even if they don’t have any hard power they will remain influential in right-wing populism and white nationalism. They’ll continue to be grifters because it’s the only thing they know how to do;

People said this about a lot of things. Most recently, Donald Trump running for president.


I think this is wishcasting honestly.

This part is funny though. Man, you couldn’t pick a better supervillain to just intentionally piss off.

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They will obviously try and stick around. I think how much influence they really have going forward remains the be seen. The dynamic has changed. They are losers now.