The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Man it will be nice if the IRS starts auditing rich people again.


I dunno. I like to think some of the true horror show things wouldn’t have hapenned or been as bad (Muslim ban, kids in cages, response to Covid).

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Iran leveled though.

Poasting from the semi-deplorable bar in my biden shirt.

Chris the bartender bought me a beer and 300 lb Francisco bought me a shot and said he’d back me up if there’s any trouble.


You live in a bubble of sobriety.

Hot girl playing pool just gave me a fist bump.

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Someone literally just paid $3 to play I like big butts on the jukebox.

Fair value imo.


Finding out you need to leave your house to get faded is gonna surprise quite a few people on this forum.

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Those ceilings look low and it looks indoors

strong text[quote=“simplicitus, post:876, topic:3017, full:true”]
Hot girl playing pool just gave me a fist bump.

And covid


I’m ok with fighting off the covid and/or dying now. trump’s done. I am ready to join the 80 billion before me.

One thing a lot of us predicted was that as soon as Trump lost we were not going to have organized and/or wide scale maga morons marching in the streets. That thankfully, so far, is what has happened.

Here’s the thing about MAGA culture. It is a bunch of white people who had done nothing but be racist whiners through the Obama years. But they had to do it in their own homes or amongst their other deplorable friends. Trump didn’t create the racists he just got them to show themselves. As we have all said it was always about owning the libs and normalizing racism. Trump got owned and embarrassed this week. The libs were not owned. Quite the opposite they were dancing in the streets. Add in the fact most diehard MAGA people were into Qanon and I think some will be off the wagon forever. Trump did not bring down the elite pedo rings. In the end Trump did not own the libs. He went down like the pathetic whiner that he is and now that there is no benefit to backing him I see a lot of people slinking away. Wearing their MAGA gear isn’t going to own anyone.

In short Riverman may be right that he may campaign because he needs the money. I just don’t see the cult ever being what it was. I have a never trumper R friend who said that today was an emporer has no clothes situation and I think there is merit to that.


Yes. Don Jr. is too small and wimpy looking (I’m serious) and lacks the delusional self-assuredness and Ivanka is a woman and she’s pretty wooden and distant/aloof and is too shy with the racist xenophobia.


Maybe. It’s hard to predict because deplorable brains don’t follow a logical pattern like A implies B therefore C. Without a moment’s hesitation many of them will retcon everything they said and believed for the past 5 years to justify their actions over the next 5 years.

Just to be clear they won’t change or stop being deplorable. We will just see the FUCK YOUR FEELINGS gear disappear and they will latch onto something else.

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The fact that he hasn’t rage-tweeted leads me to believe that he might actually and very soon, in some form, concede (while still finding a way to claim it was rigged). I know, I know, one final @narrator before @narrator goes into the breach.

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I hope so. If all the racists mothball their Trump gear and put it is the basement with their Klan gear that’s a good start.


Trump will concede. Slink off to Florida for the lame duck. Pardon some crooks but do little if anything else. He’s done with governing. All his supporters will go back to whining but there will be no mass action. Biden will have some centrist/republican cabinet and the winners as always will be wall street.


He will never concede in the traditional sense. Why would he? What’s in it for Trump? He’s not calling to congratulate Biden, he’s not making a statement, he’s not going tell his staff to ensure a smooth transition, he’s not inviting the Biden’s to the WH, etc.

Nor do I think he’s going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming from the WH. Because that’s embarrassing and Trump hates being publicly embarrassed.

He’ll do 2 more months of whining and then leave.