The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I think Letitia James will end that.


I feel like Don Jr. and Ivanka are the bigger threats. Is there any reason they won’t capture 100% of Trump voters plus they give the fascists enough plausible deniability to pick up new suburban voters? Don Jr. is not bad at delivering at speech, to boot.

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Like get ready for Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee to hold 4 years of hearings about voter fraud. Its going to make Benghazi look like the most legitimate use of Congressional resources imaginable.


I honestly have it less than 50% that he runs. Why would he? I’m not sure his ego requires it, he has plenty of power in his day to day life anyway and he can just go and hold rallies, which was his favourite thing to do, and bask in adulation from his followers without having to deal with people being mean to him or trying to make him read stuff.

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He needs the money.


He made, personally, $427 million from The Apprentice. Running for President is far from the only way to leverage his brand. Like are you saying it’s hard to grift the derposphere if you have the kind of standing in it that Trump does?

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He’s closed off all the other avenues for revenue generation that he had 5 years ago.

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You have repeatedly fought me on this, but you’re wrong. He’s not that rich and has enormous debts. Running a campaign enables him to run a legal money laundering operation. He’s certainly not going to make any money through real estate or any other legal means. Once he loses the IRS audit he’s going to owe $100 million he doesn’t have, and that’s just the start of his money problems.

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He’s old and fat and just recovered from Covid. I just watched Joe Biden jog up a stage. When was the last time you saw Trump do something like that? Four years is a long time. I’m not worried yet.


The good news is if Trump runs he will telegraph every single one of his plans and no one will take him lightly ever again. Dems will have a plan. Bring it on.

Also we’ll be over Covid by 2024 easily. Just that will be a huge boost in the national mood. It will be like winning a war. Biden will have incumbent advantage. Only wildcard is if the economy tanks imo.


You shouldn’t be worried, because Donald Trump being the 2024 GOP nominee is by far the best thing that could happen.


You’re probably right, but I do believe the possibility that he is going to start a rival Fox News.

No. I just lived through four years of this horror show. I thought Donald Trump being the 2016 GOP nominee was the best thing that could happen. I will not make that mistake again.


Can’t he just grift infinite money out of his 70m follower cult? These people have been buying merch and I’m sure he could crank out a 100m gofundme in short order.

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Looking back at these last four years, would we really have been better off with a President Cruz? He’d probably have cruised to reelection having killed Obamacare.

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Me too. I had no idea how many truly stupid and morally repugnant people there are in this country.


Yeah but this time its different because Donald Trump the fake billionaire and reality star couldn’t possibly… trails off… crumples up notes… ad libs…


I dont think trump will run but he will be out there grifting and touring for Ivanka.

How far along is Trump’s tax audit case? I’ve worked on tax prosecutions in Australia and it can take 5 years or more to see a dollar from billionaires/large companies.