The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces




Will Stephen Miller have a place after this or will he spend the rest of his life following Trump around like Wormtongue after Saruman?


There’s a chance they all will right? How many of these people are being hired by the media (any media)? Some of them will be hired by “the next trump” for 2024 but that’s years away.

Honestly feel like we’re going to see a personnel reckoning like never before. The hardcore trumpers are going to be unemployable and broke. Hope they get their stimulus :kissing_heart:

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Every single one of these assholes will be welcomed onboard CNN if they want that job. And NBC too. How many Trump toadies have they already made into consultants? I’ve lost track.


Conditions? Like a non prosecution agreement including NYS and I’ll hand over power?

That’s probably right. He could write speeches for the couple of dozen worst congress people until the next reich.

Lol, someone either “misplaced” his phone or dumped his Ritalin in the toilet.

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He’s aimlessly wandering around the White House, trying to find a signal

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Omg, can you imagine if someone turned his data off? He has zero chance of figuring it out, and you know his password is password1234.


Kinda disappointed by the lack of continued rage tweeting this evening. It’s what’s keeping me going given the extreme lack of sleep this week.

Crowds around the White House jamming up the cell towers, obv.

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There will be no comeuppance for these people. Worst case, they can find a perfectly fine place for themselves in impolite society…

Someone needs to make “The Presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden” Thread, IMO.


I thought about doing so but got too mad thinking about what’s almost certainly going to happen.


Guys, its pretty clear the GOP is going to 100% adopt the narrative that the election was stolen from Trump and get even more insane moving forward.


Clemson / ND screwing up SNL!

Anyone that doesn’t think Trump is the 2024 frontrunner is truly insane. He’s going to declare his candidacy 5 seconds after he leaves (primarily for the grifting) and hold rallies for 4 straight years. The entire deplorable world thinks he got robbed and after Democrats yet again deliver zero tangible benefits to normal people the entertaining game show host will be in prime position to win again.