The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Without knowing the exact quote, I can’t tell if he thinks the media is bad, just not “fake”, and he calls them “fake news” to punish bias that doesn’t rise to the level of outright fabrication.

If I were half a billion in debt and staring down the barrel of 10+years of lawsuits and possible prison time, I’d probably run Trump’s line as well. It’s a free roll. What have I got to lose?

So basically the sequence of events here is:

  1. Phone call between trump and Raffensperger;
  2. Trump tweets a lie about the conversation with Raffensberger, attacking Raffensberger;
  3. Raffensberger responds by leaking the audio of the tape to Washington Post?

Lol, I’m sorry, but Raffensberger confirmed GOAT, I don’t care what his personal politics are, that is some grade A fucking ownage.


Is it to late to impeach Trump and then have the Senate remove him?

I am not asking if it will happen, is it legally possible.

Forgive me for not being able to find it, but was this tape provided by a Post “source”? Did Trump think it wasn’t being recorded or wouldn’t come out? And this was just from yesterday? Yikes. Really seems even more nuts that Republican Senators would try to make a case to throw out electoral votes after hearing this.

Raffensberger also tweeted that the “truth will come out” after trump tweeted about their call.

Pure ownage


I can’t think this is helping LOLouwfeler and Perdue. It may not hurt them but it can’t be helping.

Meanwhile I guarantee half the people at his Monday rally are from the Carolinas and Florida.

Social media and the internet have allowed the lunatics to run the asylum.

Begging for 11k votes lolz.

I don’t believe him. He doesn’t because he is crazy and believes he is being persecuted. That answer is simply one of the things he has absorbed from endless staff input into his brain.

We know trump lies most constantly. Makes it pretty much impossible to use his own words as evidence of anything.

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This is the downside of the internet and connectedness. Every individual who feels isolated and alone for their beliefs, be it good or bad, can find enough other people to reinforce and support those beliefs. There is literally no behavior that is out of reach of support at this point.


It’s not too late, and honestly in a functioning democracy, that would probably happen in response to ssomething like this. You almost have to do it otherwise it’s a freeroll for every future wannabe tinpot dictator.


Damn, I forgot about that tweet. Playing it against the President of the United States while spending weeks receiving death threats all while knowing that your future as an elected republican at any level is over. Actions are borderline heroic at this point.


Yeah he said the truth will come out. If he released it that is pretty awesome imo.


Pure scumbag but also a straight up G.

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I’ve heard people who cheated on their others make better cases while begging.

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At the very least a goat antihero.

They’ll claim to have not heard it. It’s the best trick they’ve come up with, and they’re not about to let go of it.


Lol he’s at the bargaining phase.

What are we going to do here Brad? I need 12,000 votes. What are we going to do here Brad?